Has anyone ever changed their insurance in the middle of everything

I am currently trying to get approved by HealthNet, only to find out at the end of the year I will no longer be covered. I have to switch to another insurance. Has anyone ever went through this? I don't want to have to go through everything all over again.. is there anything I can do?    — Laydie K. (posted on August 8, 2002)

August 8, 2002
I Have gone through it! I first looked into WLS 2 years ago and had Blue Cross. Through them I got an appointment to see their recommended surgeon but it was for 6 months down the road. By the time the six months was up I was in a different job with different insurance. Back to square one because eventhough my current insurance will cover WLS (date set for Aug 20th!) I still had to go through THEIR surgeon of choice.
   — Shannon H.

August 8, 2002
I too went through the 2 insurance. My second surgeon accepted a couple reports (Psyc, echo cardigram, sleep study) everything else re do. Better safe than sorry. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

August 9, 2002
My insurance changed while I was in the hospital from having my surgery. The original company paid for the surgery and the second day. I am still waiting for the new company to settle the claim for the last three days. And, it's been 8 months. They claim they just got my medical records from the hospital, so hopefully it will be settled soon. Good luck.
   — Patty_Butler

August 9, 2002
My insurance changed and I had to switch surgeons but it all worked out for the better. You may wanna make sure your employer stipulates all existing approvals be transferred over to the new policy/insurer.
   — Bambi C.

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