Just started to exercise regularly and now GAINING!!!!

Hello there, I am 29 weeks post-op (March 18, 2002) and have gone from 284.5 to 198.5 (86 lbs lost). This has been and strange and wonderful week. First of all, encouraged by finally getting under 200 pounds over the weekend (my weight loss has slowed down tremendously), I decided that this was going to be the week that I made a good solid committment to exercise (I have started and stopped regular exercise many, many times). So starting this past Monday I promised myself that I would began doing Walk Away the Pounds every morning and attending Pilates classes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (I've got class tonight). I feel very good and I'm very proud of myself for making good on this promise, however, I have GAINED 3 pounds and am now at 201.5. I really don't understand what's going on here. I'm discouraged but I feel that I must continue on with this exercise momentum I have going right now. But if I continue to gain, I'm not sure I'll still feel this way. Anyone have any words of wisdom or encouragement?    — Jennifer N. (posted on October 11, 2002)

October 11, 2002
You are gaining muscle. (Muscle weighs more then fat but is smaller) The best thing to do is to start measuring yourself and DON'T STOP EXERCISING.
   — Jennifer B.

October 11, 2002
Consistent exercise, I have found, is the key to keeping the weight loss moving. You may either have gained some muscle weight (which is a good thing) or your weight may just be fluctuating. I have gained a few pounds here and there, just to lose those and a few more a week later! It happens. Keep in mind that muscle burns more calories at a more efficient rate, so keep up the exercise.
   — Cindy R.

October 11, 2002
I gained some weight. I also take measurements. I am still shrinking, but I am gaining weight (only a few pounds). Muscle weighs more than fat and therefore when you are exercising and building your muscles, you are gaining muscle mass. Don't worry or fret about it. As they said before, don't stop exercising!
   — sammygirlwpc

October 11, 2002
I have also heard that you cannot gain muscle mass and loose weight at the same time. You may loose fat but the muscle mass makes it seem like you are gaining more. So like everyone else has state, either measure along with weighing or even if you notice your clothes are getting looser.
   — Sue72694

October 11, 2002
First of all, 3 lbs. is common to lose and gain and lose and gain.....3 lbs. can be drinking two 20 oz. bottles of water and not having a bowel movement, believe it or not. You can be heavier around *that time of the month*. Try getting weighed first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything, and only after having a bowel movement. BUT, if you stay at 201 and gain another 3 or another 3, then you should start re-evaluating what you are eating/drinking/doing, etc. Also, as you exercise you will gain muscle and muscle is much heavier than fat.
   — Lynette B.

October 12, 2002
Exercise increases your matabolism and you may eat a little more in the beginning, but muscle weights more than fat so it should just be a temporary thing. I go up and down 3-5 lbs routinely. That drop under 200 was just your first time, it may take 7-10 days before you stabilize under it. It is a great feeling thought and can be frustrating when you see it go up. My dr's scale is 5 lbs heavyier than mine but I am stil 100-110 lest than 3 years ago and I have stayed stable. I actually lost 10 more lbs the beginning of my third year and have kept it off so just stay with it. Remember anyone that exercises is doing good for their body.
   — Elizabeth K.

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