I am just wanting support from others...I still think that the weight loss will stop

I know that this is just another mind game. I am just so scared that this won't work for me. So far I am 17 weeks post op and I have lost almost 70 pounds. I know that is good and I ought to be happy with that...but I'm not. I am still a BIG girl! I am not known for my patience but I guess I am just so paranoid that the weight loss is just gonna stop right here for me. It has really slowed down a lot. My goal is to be around 140 pounds. I see every now and then on this site people who have surpassed their goal and I think...why can't that be me??? Sorry for whining and thanks in advance for your help! No one understands except those who have been through it!    — Kelly C. (posted on November 5, 2002)

November 5, 2002
Your doing great. Now get out and exercise like walking for several hours a day. Work HARD to assure yourself of loosing it all. If you relax a bit now and dont exercise or stick to the eating plan then understand in advance you may not loose it all. Its up to YOU. I lost it ALL but followed the rules.
   — bob-haller

November 5, 2002
Kelly, Im definately no expert. Brand new actually (8 days) but Ive read questions like this on here alot. It seems to me what I have gotten from most of what Ive read is that your probably experiencing a plateau. How do your clothes fit? Have you measured lately? I dont know about walking for hours a day (idont have that kind of time)but how is your exercise? Water and protein intake? Only you know the answers to these things. If everything is on track then maybe you should increase/decrease your calories a little, or change up what you are eating. More than likely all you need to do is "hang in there baby" It'll come. I hope I dont sound like a Know-it-all NEWBIE. I dont mean to. But these are the things that i have learned from here. Hopefully I can practice what i preach when Im faced with the same situation (IM sure I will be)Chances are Ill be on here whining more than anybody and Ill need your encouragment!!! Take care
   — Marilayne M.

November 5, 2002
70 pounds in 17 weeks is GREAT. When I am feeling down about my weight loss I always ask myself....How long did it take me to GAIN that weight? You didn't gain it overnight, you can't lose it overnight. Hang in there. Best advise. Only weigh once a week or if you can stand it once every 2 weeks.
   — Sharon H.

November 7, 2002
We are in the same boat only I am a few weeks more out than you. I'mm 22 weeks and I just now hit the 70 pound mark. I struggle with the same I am not gonna lose anymore and my hubby and friends remind me I am still in the beginning. Not even out of the "honeymoon" stage for another month or so. It is not over for you! You are blossoming into a new person and haven't realized it yet, but you will someday. The days you don't you post on here and someone else will remind you anyway! Keep going! You will be a sucess!
   — Adriane T.

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