Is is normal to feel nauseous and woozy after surgery?

here's my question. this is probably normal..but i want reassurance...i had lap rny last tuesday, 11/19, out of the hospital on 11/21, the last two mornings i've noticed when i get up in the morning i'm really nauceous and this normal?? thanks :-)    — hdziema (posted on November 23, 2002)

November 23, 2002
Are you still on pain meds? If so what kind. I was on percocet and even though I would take them before bed I still felt pretty woozy in the morning. Not to mention I got extremely weak after surgery. That lasted for quite sometime ( at least several weeks). I was so weak that I was sure I was bleeding internally for a while. But I wasn't.
   — Laurel C.

November 23, 2002
Hi, I was the same way after returning home from my Lap RNY for about a week. I think mine was dehydration more than anything. I was drinking but could only take down little sips at a time and my body needed more. I lost 15 the first two that was a lot on my body to lose all it's water wait. Plus, you are eating so tiny portions of food. It gets better after about 7 days or so. Just watch for bad headaches, test your skin by pinching it together and seeing if it stays bunched up and head for the ER if it does. They can give you some IV fluids. Also, like the other poster, meds can do that too...Codeine on an almost empty stomach will make you feel like you've got inter-ear trouble. Good luck.
   — mbradley35

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