Time in Hospital

I am considering bringing a couple of books to read during my stay in the hospital. Am I going to even feel up to reading? What are the first couple of days going to be like?    — Dana S. (posted on November 25, 2002)

November 25, 2002
Hi Dana. I took a book with me to the hospital. I was in for 5 days. I LOVE to read. I felt so trashy I never opened the book once. But everyone is different. Take the book(s) with you -- the worst that will happen is you won't read them. But if you DO want to read, they'll be there for you. Best of Luck!
   — Pam S.

November 25, 2002
I love to read but did not have the patience for a book, and I was always being interrupted for something (that and a lot of pain meds make it difficult to concentrate!) ...I enjoyed magazines much more in the hospital. They require less concentration, the articles are short and if you get interrupted (and you WILL) you don't lose track of what is going on!
   — Linda 1.

November 25, 2002
11\25\02 I was waaaay too out of it to read or watch T.V. for the first two days. I had no energy and only wanted to snooze. Everyone is different. I had an open RNY. I hear laparoscopic surgery is less intrusive. I am heading for my 4th week post op and energy is slow to return.
   — Ginger M.

November 25, 2002
I also love to read and took books and magazine. I never read much either.. too much discomfort to be able to concentrate much. I watched tv, but even that did not hold much of my attention. One thing I did that I LOVED... I took a personal cd player and brought some 'feel good' music that lifted my spirits. I can't tell you just how comforting that was.
   — Gail S.

November 25, 2002
Hi Dana - Truthfully, by the time I felt up to reading it was time to go home, but I felt lousy because of the morphine. If you handle the morphine better you might feel up to it sooner than I did. (I guess I really didn't help very much, LOL) I was in for 3 days. - Mike
   — Michael N.

November 25, 2002
Your probably not going to feel up to reading a book. A magazine is better-some light reading, like People. Your not really in there all that long-just a few days and you'll sleep alot, then get up to walk, maybe a little TV, a few friends/relatives...I brought one issue of People and got 1/2 way thru it before I was sent home!
   — Cindy R.

November 25, 2002
magazines are better, and my husband would bring in his laptop for me so that I could go online and chat with my AMOS buddies!!
   — Vicki L.

November 25, 2002
I had Open RNY 11/11/02 and I packed books and my sister and parents packed magazines for me. I can honestly say that I didn't touch any of them. I was so doped up on morphine that I could barely stay awake for a few minutes at a time. I never once turned the TV off and I barely left my bed. I got up to walk a few times, which was a huge effort considering I could barely stay awake. I also got up a few times a day to visit the little ladies room. :o) I suggest you do bring something but I agree with everyone else that a magazine will be an easier read for you considering the circumstances.
   — Tracy A.

November 25, 2002
I'm another big reader who couldn't read in the hospital. You may want to consider a book on tape to pass the time. I prefered to watch TV for some strange reason.
   — Amber L.

November 25, 2002
I was only in the hospital for a day and a half(LAP RNY) but I was in way to much pain to even consider reading. The morphine did absolutly nothing for me so I opted to go home and sleep in my recliner for some more comfort than that dang hospital bed. Good Luck and God Bless! :)
   — Diana L.

November 26, 2002
I'm an AVID reader. Was in hosp for 36hrs. after surgery. NO TIME to read. No pain/no pain meds, but so much to do! Walk, sip, walk, vitals, walk,sip, nap, walk, then go home!!
   — Debby M.

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