7 weeks post op and can't hold anything down!

I'm getting nervous - I can't hold anything down for the past week. I know it's not a blockage, but everything makes me nauseous - 1 bite and I'm sick. I just drank 10oz of water and vomited 3 times! Has anyone else gone through this? If so, how long does it last?    — jengrz (posted on January 12, 2003)

January 12, 2003
I was in the hospital for 5 days because of that same problem. They did an endoscopy on me and ballooned the openiing to my stomach so the opening would be biger. But still it only the size of a pea and my tummy is small so I avoid sticky foods such as caned meats and mashed potatoes and string cheese bothers me. I have had a rough time Ive been in the hospital 2 times aftre my surgery for problems with vomiting call your surgeon just because there no blockage doesn't mean he can not fix your problem. Am doing so much better after I saw the gasteroendologist for my endoscopy. He gave out great advice. Call your surgeon they should be on call doctor avaiable for you. [email protected] sheri burke
   — sheri B.

January 12, 2003
I think if I drank 10 ozs of water I would throw up too! You pouch isn't even half that size. You don't say how much you are trying to eat but if that is any indication, you're eating too much and throwing it back up. That is what happens when I eat to much. Even one bite more that I am supposed to and it comes back. Try slowing down when you eat and remember you can't eat like you used to.
   — dkinson

January 12, 2003
I also had this problem. Please call your Dr., you may have a stricture. It is easily fixed, a painless procedure and you feel better immediately. PLEASE,don't assume it was the food/liquid choices you made, you don't have to suffer. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.
   — Diana L.

January 12, 2003
Jennifer, I, too, think you should check with your doctor. Is everything you put in your mouth coming back up or just most things? I had a kinked bowel early post-op and everything came back up, to include water. When I became dehydrated and disoriented, went to the emergency room where they discovered it and I had to have emergency open surgery to correct. So better be safe than sorry. If your just getting nauseous or sick on particular foods, then find those foods that agree with you and stick with them for a while until the tummy calms down. I spent the first 6 weeks- 2 months or so being nauseous too, then it gradually went away.
   — Cindy R.

January 12, 2003
I had this problem. Turns out I not only had a stricture (easy fix), but a herniated intestine. It was an simple operation to pull it straight... (nothing like the original RNY.. they just went in laproscopically and yanked it straight or whatever - no pain) but I threw up for days in the hospital until they figured it out. Call your doc! When you get this bad even with water, something definitely needs checked out. Are you sipping slowly?
   — mom2jtx3

January 12, 2003
Hi Jennifer, I just got released from the hospital for what sounds like the same thing this past Wed. It began with me being nauseated once a day. Then nauseated and vomiting once a day. Then twice a day, then when I had any food. Finally, any liquids as well. Dehydrated due to a stricture. Took about a day and a half to figure it out due to scheduling, but overall an easy fix. I feel SOOOOOO much better now. Please call your doc asap, so you don't get too dehydrated.
   — Mary Ann B.

January 13, 2003
To everyone who posted - thank you so much for your advice and comments. Still vomiting on everything (small sips of water, etc.,) Hate to sound silly, but what exactly is a stricture? How do you get one? I made the appointment to see my surgeon and hopefully everything will work out for the best!
   — jengrz

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