What questions should I ask at my consultation?

i have done so much research and am so excited about my consultation with my surgeon. is there any info. which i should bring, or any specific questions i should ask? anyone whos had the surgery... any advice as to what i should prepare, and whats to come? thanks    — Lynne W. (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
There were a couple that I forgot to ask while I was there. Definately find out how many surgeries your surgeon has done. Ask (if you are interested) if he has post-op patients that you can talk to. Also, find out what portion of the surgery costs you are responsible that aren't covered by your insurance, and whether they have payment plans. Good luck to you!
   — Kimberly S.

January 15, 2003
You didn't say which type of surgery you were thinking about, but if you are interested in the RNY, find out if your surgeon transects the stomach (higher risk in initial leaking, but less likely to re-gain the weight due to staple line disruption). Find out how many surgeries he has done. A new one that I just heard about is, ask whether there is anyone assisting, and find out that persons credentials also. Also find out what the game plan is AFTER surgery, when and what can you eat. Try and think of the whole picture before, during and after and write down anything that comes to mind, no questions are dumb questions. Go into this prepared. I wish you great success! This is the best thing I have ever done!
   — Dana B.

January 15, 2003
(1) How much he bypasses (2) his success ratio (3) how many deaths (4) his feeling on pain mgmt (5) does he staple or trnsect (5) does he have a support group (6) aftercare, what type does he give (7) teaching hospital or not? (8) how many yearsand how many a year (9) typical size of incision for open and # of incisions for lap (10) pre-op diet....Thats all I can think of this moment! Good Luck Heather (5 mos post-op 8/15 - 305/224/150)
   — heathercross

January 16, 2003
Hi! If you go to my profile, I have a list of questions that I asked my Dr. Please feel free to copy them and get some peace of mind. :-)
   — Jessica D

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