Sitting makes my butt hurt!

I'm a customer service rep and I sit at a desk all day and by the end of the day my butt hurts so bad I can hardly sit still! It's not my tail bone althought it's close. I've been kidded about losing all my padding (open rny 8-23-02 68 lbs down) and I do have a lot of arthritis problems. Anyone esle had this problem? Will any thing help? pillows do seem to be much help at all.    — Amy G. (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 21, 2003
I have had this problem also but I haven't been able to figure a way to get rid of it but when I sit on a couch or bed I lie down on my side to give that part of me a rest. I do think it's because we have lost a lot of our padding. I hope i've helped a little.Maybe we can keep adding more padding or cushions to the chairs and try to get on our sides more at home.
   — tatterpuddin

January 21, 2003
I just told my personal trainer today "My butt hurts". I asked how skinny people stand it. He just laughed. Maybe everyone has sore butts. On the serious side, if anyone has an answer please tell me.
   — barbara A.

January 21, 2003
I had this problem before surgery. It is from sitting toooo long in one position. The cortizone shots don't help. The only thing that helps is staying off your bottom as much as possible, meaning taking breaks when you can to stand up. My chiropractor suggested in addition to use ice packs, but I couldn't get one to stay on my former bottom -- maybe now that it is flat and wrinkly I can get one to stay on!
   — Darlene P.

January 21, 2003
You are losing your padding. I have the same problem. I have to get up and walk and stretch every so often. Isn't life grand!
   — dolphins94

January 21, 2003
Yes I have this problem too. At work I just get up evry 10 mins or so to adjust but at home I sit on one of the foam donut thingys it helps alot. I got it at cvs like $9, so worth it.
   — Laurie B.

January 21, 2003
One thought, if you have this problem primarily at work, you may want to invest in a quality pressure relief seat cushion (such as wheelchair users have, or people with pressure sores). You can buy them through a medical supply store or catalogue such as Sammons & Preston, they would be in Wheelchair supplies. A good one can be pricy, but might be worth it to you. If you go this route, invest in a good one, so you won't be disappointed. It could make work alot more tolerable until you build up the muscles in your bottom, and they provide you with some cushioning.
   — Kelly B.

January 21, 2003
It is called butt bones we never knew we had!!!! It is the best feeling in the world!!!
   — Lisa J.

January 21, 2003
Yes and at 18 months post-op, down 100# I still have the problem and have to change position often.
   — LLinderman

January 21, 2003
hi there :) im 11 months 2 weeks post op and wow do i know where you are coming from. ive been plagued with sore tail for some months now, ive got this dinky but now and theres no padding to protect the tush anymore. ouch! (hehehe!)
   — carrie M.

January 21, 2003
I KNOW your pain!! I've had the same pain for about 7 months. It hurts even worse when I stand up after sitting for a while. I feel like a 90 year old woman!! I do think it has something to do with the loss of padding but I even bought a special cushion that was suppossed to take the pressure off the tailbone (which I figured was the problem). Well, I still have the pain. The cushion doesn't help at all. I guess I'll just have to continue getting used to it.
   — Patty H.

January 21, 2003
This and being cold are two downsides to WLS. I hear there are exercises you can do to develop your butt muscles as a protective layer. The pain is a good reminder to keep moving. Jen wanted to visit a church with a 2 hour service last sunday. I told her I would DIE sitting on a hard pwe that long:( Next week we will be at disney, and those hard seats. It will be great to do disney thin, I used to be in pain with all the walking and standing..
   — bob-haller

January 21, 2003
My wife kids me all the time that she's going to buy me a rear end for Christmas because I lost the one I used to have. All I can tell you is that as I write this, I'm sitting at my once comfy office chair on top of a big pillow, so I know how you feel.
   — Michael N.

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