Good hairstyles to make hairloss more inconspicuous?

Does anyone have any suggestions for hair styles that minimize how obvious hair loss is? I'm still post op, but trying to prepare for everything. I thought when I go through hair loss post op that I would cut my hair short and make it all spikey. But I was out this weekend and saw someone with that hair and you could really see their scalp, so I think it probably would make any hair loss look WORSE. Any ideas? What styles have worked for you? Longer and in a pony tail? (Maybe too much pulling?) Short bob? Short pixie? Layers? No layers? Any thoughts on color? Probably darker hair shows more contrast? Stop coloring to minimize impact to hair????    — w8free (posted on February 11, 2003)

February 11, 2003
Elizabeth, As a hairstylist and an RNY post op, I have a few suggestions. Although the hair loss is inevitable, there are a few ways to make it less noticeable. I am 3 months post and my hair is falling out pretty bad. I have decided to keep my hair a bit on the longer side for now. It sits just above my shoulders in a layered cut. I would also like to go shorter, but think a bit of length hides the hair loss a bit better. My mom has short and spikey hair, she's a VBG post op, and is quite distressed about the amount of hair she's losing. It does look like she's thinning on top, cause of the short, straight hair. I would suggest maybe a large-rollered body perm or a layered cut to minimize the look of thinning. A color or hilites are always nice a few months post op, color adds body to hair, and makes us feel good. A change in hairstyle every few months can be a great reward for weight loss goals met along the way too! Good luck, Kim S. Open RNY Nov. 4, 2002 (-83)
   — Kim S.

February 11, 2003
Thanks for your response. My hair has thinned on the top and in the front which is hard to disguise. It is really a bummer and I have always had long thick hair. I'm keeping my length but am thinking about color. I would appreciate any other suggestions.
   — Marian B.

February 11, 2003
I have not had my surgery yet, but I am on blood thinners and I am a diabetic, both cause hair loss, so I am already seeing my scalp. I went to the beauty shop and asked the gal what would be the best thing to do, she said she had a customer that had kimo treatments that lost all her hair, but when it grew back in she styled it while it was very short and thin, so I told her to go for it, and I love my new really short hair. She told me that men that are balding, if they keep there hair real short it helps to slow it down, the long hair helps in pulling the short hairs out, so real short hair has a chance to breath and grow. I also colored my hair, that helped, I also have a short sazzy wig that I just wash, and shake out that is real close to my hair color, and I wear that some days and others I have my own very short hair, I am hoping that after the surgery I will be in recession on the diabetes and off the blood thinners, so that at some point I may get new hair to grow back. Hope this helps
   — cindy

February 11, 2003
Hi there: I had long thick hair (very thick) and when I started loosing my hair (oodles of it) I cut in up to my shoulders and had it layered in long layers...not only did it look nice it accented my facial features. No one but me noticed the hair loss (and I lost ALOT of hair) the plus side is that now the hair is growing back in it isn't noticable stubble coming in. Best of Luck!
   — Tinca-Thais J.

February 11, 2003
Highlights, layers and shorter hair really did the trick for me! I was one of those unusual folks who lost so much hair I had to wear a hairpiece (not a wig but like one of those falls from the 70's). When July rolled around it was too hot for the hairpiece so I cut it short (YIKES) and frosted it heavily. It was a huge change for me but I LOVE it! The frosting gave it body and also made it more difficult for my scalp to shine through. That was almost 2 years ago and I still wear my hair the same way today and still LOVE it! There are some pics on my profile if you want to see (me and Carnie Wilson!!) Good luck to you and kudos to you for thinking ahead!
   — ronascott

February 12, 2003
Hi! I am six months out from my surgery and 130 pounds down, I started to notice problems with my hair at about 4 months. I went short, just above the shoulder ..... in what I call a stacked style...layered I guess. It looks really nice and you cant really tell I have lost any hair. I know because I see it coming out in the tub :). I would stay away from lighting your hair. Color it warm browns or highlights. A lady in my support group went blonde and it made the thinning really noticeable. Goodluck!
   — Renee C.

February 12, 2003
I did not lose much hair at all. No more than any other surgery. I think I lost more hair after my kids were born than I lost with this surgery. My hair is thin on my crown than the rest, so I did go shorter (see my profile) and highlighted it. Everyone loves it and you will find the more weight you lose the cutier the short hair will compliment your face. Good Luck...maybe you won't lose much hair at all.
   — Cindy M.

February 12, 2003
Oh my gosh Cindy, you look great! Sooooo much younger. You go girl :)
   — mom2jtx3

February 12, 2003
Hi!! Well I am going thru this problem too at 3 months post op..and I think I am going to go short...with long hair alot of time it weighs it with shorter makes it look like it has more volume..and hides the hair loss...but the concensus from the answers here say they like long..I have short to begin with and the 4 inch hairs all over me drive me nuts..I could not imagine what the ten inch hairs on my shoulders and back would do!!!..I am a cosmetologist and most my clients who would thin would cut it short..but hey I always love short hair..just my opinion!!
   — Jessica L.

February 12, 2003
I bought me a hair piece wig... not a full wig mind you just a clip that makes it look like I have a full head of hair and it looks great - matches my hair perfectly... here's a site you can look at to see what I mean... I didn't purchase from them - I got mine from a local dealer.;;43 . I'm very pleased with my results! Just something you might try.
   — lindajenkins

February 12, 2003
Pre-op, I kept my hair all one length--no bangs. I would frequently wear it curled and pulled back in a headband. Post op, this really helped to hide the hair loss. I had VERY thick hair, it was actually my "trademark". I lost sooooooooooooooo much. However, I continued to wear my hair the same way only cut up to shoulder length. The benefit was that my hair was doubled back onto itself. Does this make sense? I actually had twice the normal amount of hair because I pulled the front back and it laid down on top of the hair in the back. When the little sprouts came in, I was able to hairspray them up in the front and they were not noticeable. My hair is about 80% back. I am over 2 years post op. I lost my hair by the handful from months 2-9. Good luck!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 12, 2003
Do you have a hair stylist that you trust? I went to mine and simply told her, "Do Something, it's falling out!". She gave me a cute, short doo, and I received so many compliments, that even after it grew back in, I kept the same hair style!
   — Cindy R.

February 12, 2003
I have one suggestion which I wish I had known about before I went and had my shoulder length haired all chopped off, nice and short. DO NOT go too short in the area of the bangs. It seems that it the first place you lose it and the last place it grows back. At least that has been my experience! I normally have thick hair with lots of cowlicks in the front and keep it longer in front to help them down and give me some control. I foolishly let some new goofy kid at the salon do this drastic do. Big mistake! I'm now 7 months post-op, losing hair since just before 3 months. The loss has stopped and I feel some fullness coming back in the back, since getting some better layering put in by a REAL stylist. But the bangs are a wispy loss cause until real growth happens! As for color, I think it does add some body and helps you appreciate what you've got to work with. I would suggest a gentle colorant like Natural Instincts. Good Luck to you! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -110lbs.
   — Anna L.

February 12, 2003
Thank you all for posting such great info! I appreciate the tips and advice. Thank you also for sharing pix! Wow, you ladies look very sharp and stylin' with your cool do's. Hugs! - Elizabeth
   — w8free

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