What can I stock up on?

just wondering seeing it's tax return time, what can i stock up on that I will be needing for post op? vitamins, minerals, protein shakes, bars, I would just like to get a head start on what I will be needing. Anyone whose post op, please let me know what you needed .... thankyou!!!    — Lynne W. (posted on February 21, 2003)

February 21, 2003
Flinstones complete chewable vitamins, Caltrate 600 chewable calcium, and sublingual b-12 dots. That aside, if you are talking tax return, go buy some (used or clearance) clothes. I arranged my drawers to have the smallest size on the bottom and I know that if I didn't have them there, I would have walked around in the baggies much longer. It is such a boost when you drop a size. Now I don't know how big your refund is, but maybe go pay for an excercise club membership up front, that way you just have to go. I prefer Curves for women, I have a great support circle there. Good luck, have fun spending.
   — Dana B.

February 21, 2003
All those vitamins just listed are a great idea! Calcium citrate, chewable flinstones, then I moved on to Centrum, and B-12. That's all I've ben taking. I would be careful on stocking up on protein shakes and bars, though. It;s hard to find a good one that you like, and also, what you may like now, you might hate post-op. Our taste buds seem to change alot! and make sure you have comfy clothes to lay around in for the first few weeks, you'll need them! Goodluck to you :)
   — Lezlie Y.

February 21, 2003
Hi Lynne! I'm trying to send you an email with information, but your webtv address won't go through. Do you have another email? Send it to me at [email protected]. Renee
   — Renee D.

February 21, 2003
hi there :) things you may want to have would be, lotion, chap stick,wet wipes,broths,sf jello,sf popscicles,flinstiones chewables, bottled water, crystal lite, a comfy chair to sleep in as it may be needed:) good luck to you! :) i had very dry chapped lips even before i left the hospital and in talking to others, i want the only one. i also had dry skin after, the wet wipes helped in cleaning up if i wasnt up to a shower right away. :)
   — carrie M.

February 21, 2003
hi there, i meant i "wasnt" the only one with chapped lips after surgery LOL (sorry about the typo) :)
   — carrie M.

February 21, 2003
I'd like to elaborate on the advice from the poster who advised against getting any protein shakes now. Your tastes may very well change when you are post-op. Also, a shake that I think is great, you may think is really horrid. However, you can get samples from Michelle Curran, who is the vitalady, had her surgery about 8 years ago and is doing really well. The samples are good for 1 serving and are not too expensive. You might order a few samples of things that sound good to you. Then, if you find out that you don't like some of them, you won't have spent a lot of money for something you won't use. Also, I have heard that GNC will refund your money if you get something you don't like, even after you have opened it.<p>Also, don't get a LOT of the SF Jello, etc. I did, but you can eat so little of it that you really won't need much before you can start on other stuff. I've got about a dozen boxes of SF Jello in my cupboard and I never use it. I got so sick of it that it just doesn't appeal any more.
   — garw

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