My surgery is April 2. Today I feel like I'm am getting stomach flu, will that effect

my date?    — Jesse S. (posted on March 29, 2003)

March 29, 2003
Yes, if you are sick the day of surgery it could be cancelled. I developed a fever the morning of my surgery and am still trying to get better for my new date. Get on whatever medication you need to get better. Call the doctor's office and see what they suggest.
   — Sarahlicious

March 31, 2003
Yes!!! Go to the doc get started on antibiotics . Good luck!!!
   — Kimmie C.

March 31, 2003
hi surgery was supposed to be april 2. i spent the last 6 days withs bad sinus headachws and migranes.....i have been so sick..i had to cancel my april 2 date and reschedule for may sad.....but happy....i will be going in to surgery 100 percent feeling of luck to you
   — christina L.

March 31, 2003
hi surgery was supposed to be april 2. i spent the last 6 days withs bad sinus headachws and migranes.....i have been so sick..i had to cancel my april 2 date and reschedule for may sad.....but happy....i will be going in to surgery 100 percent feeling of luck to you
   — christina L.

March 31, 2003
hi surgery was supposed to be april 2. i spent the last 6 days withs bad sinus headachws and migranes.....i have been so sick..i had to cancel my april 2 date and reschedule for may sad.....but happy....i will be going in to surgery 100 percent feeling of luck to you
   — christina L.

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