I carry most of my extra weight in Tummy area, is it harder to loose?

HI, I carry much of my extra weight in my stomach area. After I have the surgery, will my stomach shrink along with the rest of my body or will it stay big until I have a TT? I have had a couple of kiddos, one C section and my tummy has been growing ever since.It is already saggy so I am sure I will need a tummy tuck but am hoping my belly will shrink before that as well. I hope this makes sense!    — WendieS (posted on April 1, 2003)

April 1, 2003
I know what you mean about a big stomach! I started out at 288 pounds, 5'6". I was wearing about a 26 or 28 in jeans, but my legs are like matchsticks, and my arms were never very large either. Now at 13 months post op, I am at 178 pounds, and my stomach went from 48" to 39" and STAYED there!! Everyone tells me that I am skinny, but I see that belly still hanging out there! Would I do this surgery again? In a flat minute! Best of luck to you!
   — T. 263

April 1, 2003
I think it will be the last part to shrink- as mine was/is. I have had it all my life (I am the epitome of a APPLE shaped girl, all due to my medical condition) and I expect it to always be there unless I get it physically removed. I probably could wear a size 10 if not for it, rather than the 16's that I must buy to fit my gut. I also still forced to wear larger shirts (1XL, 2XL) so no one can see it, or God Forbid, my shirt cling to it.
   — Karen R.

April 1, 2003
You should check out the library. When I first came to this site I ran across several people who had their tummies removed at the same time as their surgeries. Usually its with people with high BMIs but can be done with anyone who has a significant belly that would interfere with their ability to exercise. I was having so much trouble because of my belly that I chose to have my tummy removed while still heavy. Often, if you're having trouble with your tummy because of it hanging and the weight on your back & hips, and with rashes and such then it actually get worse as the belly hangs even lower (instead of outward) when you lose the weight. Thats where, with documentation, many people are able to get their insurance companies to pay for a tt post op. I'm not sure how it works with insurance to get it paid for at the same time as surgery. If you can find info from some of those people in the library you might be able to ask them questions like that. Wishing you the best.
   — Shelly S.

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