Any post-ops outs there experiencing strong terrible odors?

I am 4 weeks post-op and I am having such a hard time dealing with my sense of smell. My poor husband and child's breath smells like a horrible combination of garlic and curry- it doesnt matter if they just just brushed and used mouthwash, I still smell it. Has anyone else experienced this and how long does it last? This makes me feel nauseous at times- makes me NOT want to eat. Thanks !!    — Kewpidoll (posted on April 4, 2003)

April 4, 2003
Hello! Since my surgery on 01/13/03, I have noticed that I smell everything much better (or worse, depending on the smell). I don't know how long it will last. I have adjusted -- or I am trying to adjust to it. I smell things that some people claim they can't. I guess it will just be a part of my life from now on. If this bothers you too much, I would suggest asking your surgeon/doctor. He or she may have the answer for you. Good luck to you on your journey - Daphine (down 40 pounds and 4 dress sizes).
   — Daphine C.

April 4, 2003
YES, this is normal, and YES is does go away! Give it a few months at it will get a lot better. Some smells at first made me actually have to leave the house! Candles that I loved pre-op made me naseous when I got home. Food (that I used to love) smells made me gag, and one time my husband brought pizza home and I made him eat it in the garage, as the small was making me sick.....I have asked several docs about it, there is no "scientific" reason, but they tell me 80% of their patients do experience a severe change with the sense of smell for the first few months. Hang in will get better!! Renee D
   — Renee D.

April 4, 2003
YES!!! I smell funk everywhere I go!
   — Carol S.

April 4, 2003
Boy does that bring back memories. I thought I would go crazy from the smells. My drains smelled so bad I would almost gag when I brushed my teeth. Even bleach didn't help. Chicken broth smelled like a dead chicken to me. My first trip to the store was awful, food ordors plus people ordors had me sick. I don't know if it got better or I just learned to ignore it.
   — Tawnda C.

April 4, 2003
I am almost 5 weeks post-op and laughed so hard when I read your post. Not because it is funny but because I just yesterday complained to my boyfriend that my mother's breath nearly killed me. We were in car togehter and I brain wanted to tell her to stop breathing. Tonight I noticed the inside of my fridge (which has 3 boxes of baking soda in it) smells like something died in it. Of course, the same boyfriend says that he can't smell anything. It's great to know I am not alone!!
   — Liz B.

April 4, 2003
I think its a side affect of ketosis, and I noticed it a bit during atkins.
   — bob-haller

April 4, 2003
HeeHeeHee! I'm sorry for your troubles but I had to laugh because last night I almost asked my husband to sleep on the couch because he reeked of stale beer....and he hasn't had beer for weeks!!!!!!!
   — denisel

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