Stich moving in and out of incision

I have a stitch holding my G Tube. I am 3 weeks Post Op. The stitch is tied around the tube several times and when I move too much the wrapped around stitch moves in and out of my incision causing terrible pain on the raw skin. Anyone else having this problem??    — smidget (posted on May 26, 2003)

May 26, 2003
Nooo...but I'd certainly be complaining to my surgeon about it!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 27, 2003
Hi Jane....... My stitch kept doing that as well. Drove me nuts! Unfortunately there's not much you can do about it except keep cleaning it and maybe tack down the tube close to the incision with some surgical tape. Maybe then it won't move quite as much. Good Luck! Jean
   — jeannieree

June 1, 2003
Hi Jane, I experienced most of my discomfort from this surgery due to the dreaded G tube! My stitches where KILLING ME!! I think it got worse as a lost weight. I kept putting Neosporin on my stitches and it did help a little. I got my tube removed at 16 days out, and it felt INCREDIBLE to be rid of that thing! So, you are not alone in your discomfort. Unfortunately, it is a neccessary evil that we G-tubers have to deal with. You may want to try taking some pain meds if it gets too bad. Good luck, and hopefully you will be getting that blasted thing removed soon! Best wishes! Tara Open RNY 5/12/03
   — Tara B.

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