18 months post-op with upper left side pain... anyone else?

Does/has any other post-op, after a year+ out, start having pain in the upper left side? I had a Lap RNY 18 months ago, and for the last two or three days, I have started having a painful discomfort up under my ribs, about where my incision used to be before I lost so much weight (down 210 lbs). When I clench my abdominal muscles (yeah, I can SEE them, now! lol) it is like a hard stitch in that area. I am eating fine, drinking fine, and it not a stomach spasm (different kind of pain). Help? :~) Thanks!!    — Sharon M. B. (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 18, 2003
have you been checked for a hernia? Probably wouldn't hurt to ring up your PCP - pain we can't explain easily should be checked!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 19, 2003
Muscle pull? I sometimes get pains in different areas, (back, neck, stomach) that I wake up with-explain that one! It can take a few days for it to ease up and go away, or sometimes a hot shower on the area works it out. If it persists, ask your doctor to check it out-better to be safe.
   — Cindy R.

June 20, 2003
Oh, thanks so much for your responses! It is so good to hear from other people about stuff so sensitive, I can't even talk to my doctor about it! LOL!! You all are much better than doctors, most of the time!! LOL!! My doctor is beginning to get aggrivated with me because I tell him the correct diagnoses before he can even look at me! LOL! He knows I research constantly and talk to AMOS all the time... but he told me that he feels a bit useless to me sometimes! LOL!! I told him I come to him to verify my own diagnosis and to make sure I wasn't missing anything major. I also told him that "doctors" are still a relatively new breed and nothing replaces listening to our own bodies! :~) Doctors are there to take care of things we can't do ourselves... like surgery! LOL! :~) I did go to my doctor and he told me it was a pulled muscle... I couldn't tell him what I did to hurt it... as far as he is concerned, It just started hurting. He is too much younger than me, too cute (lol), and there just isn't any way to feel comfortable talking to someone about this who hasn't been there! :~) He did want to put me on muscle relaxers, but I didn't get the script filled. No more unnecessary meds for me! I'll deal with the pain and let my muscles heal naturally, thank you! :~) I told him I would take the medication, and he said that it was up to me, but I had the script just in case! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

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