Seeking Other Lightweights- RE Rapid Loss

I'm 5'0" started out at 205. Very happily down to 105, but I'm only 7 months out. When should I stop losing? Open proximal RNY.    — jengrz (posted on June 29, 2003)

June 29, 2003
Typically people lose out to a year. I don't think you're done at 7 months (my opinion) You might want to reverse the pouch rules for dummies. I guess some do that if they are losing too much weight. If I could gain it for you I would easily! :) Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

June 29, 2003
EVeryone stops at different times. Some may have to increase calories to stop, other's just have bodies that seem to "know" when to stop losing. You are probably done, you may lose a few more lbs. How many calories are you eating? You may just need to increase your caloric intake. But don't start eating junk, just add more foods, like cheeses which have more calories, for example. I'm 13 months and still slowly losing, but I know my body will stop when its time, even though I surpassed my goal weight. Goodluck to you and congrats on getting so skinny! lol :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

June 30, 2003
Congrats on reaching your goal so quickly. It doesn't usually go that fast for lightweights. To stop the loss you need to find the right amount of calories that work for your daily intake. Start increasing the calories by 100 or so a day and if your still losing, make it 200 a day, etc, etc until you stop losing. It doesn't have to be carbs or junk food, just an increase in calories. As to when you stop losing, everyone is different. Some stop earlier than others..bottom line, its still a calories game...
   — Cindy R.

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