Has anyone not have to have their galbladder removed after RNY surgery?

   — jwd430 (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 6, 2003
Hi Julian, I am 10 months out and so far I have not had to have my gallbladder removed, nor have I had any symptoms of gallbladder disease. Good Luck Cathy Whitmer
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 6, 2003
I didn't have my gallbladder removed during my rny, and I'm 10 months post-op. I haven't had any problems with gallstones so far.
   — Laurie A.

August 6, 2003
Hi, Julian, I am now 6 mths post-op and still have my gallbladder, so far no problems with it here either! Good Luck to You!
   — Melodee S.

August 6, 2003
I am 1 year post-op and scheduled to have my gall bladder removed next Thursday. Developed lots of gall stones in the last year. They weren't there this time last year!
   — Cathy S.

August 6, 2003
I am almost 16 months post op and still have mine, i wished for it to be taken out during surgery but it was too healthy then and still is.
   — rhondan

August 6, 2003
I am over 2 1/2 years post op and still have my gall bladder. I have a lot of family history of gall bladder problems and begged my surgeon to remove mine during surgery. Of course I had a gall bladder ultrasound preop and it was perfectly healthy. My surgeon does not remove them preventatively because he claims the hospital frowns upon him removing healthy organs. However, I have had absolutelly no problems with my gall bladder, ever. ( and I eat whatever I want!) Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 6, 2003
I'm one year out with no trouble at all.
   — jen41766

August 6, 2003
19 months post-op, and no gall bladder problems. Five months ago, I had a lot of pain and the gastro doctor wasn't sure if it was gall bladder or an ulcer, so he ordered an ultra sound of my gall bladder and an endoscopy for an ulcer. Ultra sound showed absolutely NO STONES. Endoscopy showed a very big ulcer :o( After taking mega doses of Nexium (80 mg daily) for 3 months, the ulcer has healed.
   — Cyndie K.

August 7, 2003
The actual statistics are 1 in 5 will need their gallbladder out post op. So that would be a lot of us not needing another surgery.
   — Carol S.

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