Wish to hear about women over 50 and if they lost 100% of their excess weight.

   — sissie S. (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 6, 2003
Some do, some don't. The point is good health, don't ya think. Better health of over 50's 100%.
   — faybay

August 6, 2003
Some do and some don't, I agree with Faye, health is the issue. I started at 266 and am 152, one year later, if I figured right I have lost about 90% of my weight. I'm satisfed with the result, no regrets.I'm 56 years young, and so far the skin is a little saggy, but I don't see the need for PS. Any questions you can e-mail me.
   — penciepaws

August 6, 2003
Hi, I am 50 and had the surgery at 48yrs. I have lost 118 lbs but still have 30 or 40 to lose. I am so much happier and healthier than I was at 30 yrs old so the surgery was 110% worth it to me. I feel better and move better than I have my entire adult life. I do believe that the younger you are the faster you lose based on your metabolic changes as you age. BUT there is no reason that we cannot lose 100% of our excess weight through proper eating and exercise. It just takes a little more work as everything else does as we get older. Putting into perspective: For years we yo-yo'd, didn't exercise very much, carried around all that weight, and that along with the natural biological metabolic changes, and HORMONAL changes, it is perfectly understandable that we have to work harder to achieve goal weight. On the plus side, if we hadn't had the surgery, where would we be? Probably getting heavier and heavier with less activity in our lives and the cycle goes on until our weary, aging bodies finally give out. Pretty picture, huh? I would rather be 30 or 40 lbs overweight than MO at 50 yrs old. Thank God for WLS!
   — Mylou52

August 6, 2003
Well, I turned 50 the day I left the hospital after my RNY. I haven't lost 100% of my excess weight. I lost 136% of it. My goal was to lose 100 pounds and I lost 136 instead. I blew right past that 160 goal in about 9 months and lost the rest in another 3 months. I didn't aim for that; it's just the way my body responded. I do exercise alot and have from the beginning. I also use alot of protein supplements and limit my carbs. BUT I want to stress that everyone is different! Our bodies respond so differently to this procedure. There is no way to know ahead of time what will happen. But you have a better chance, I think, if you keep the protein high and the carbs low. hugs, Ann
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 7, 2003
I,m 56 yr.s old I had my surgery 15 months ago. Surgery wt. was 230 and I have lost 104 pounds.
   — charanewme

August 7, 2003
I'm 53 and had Lap on 2/11/03. Coming up on my 6th month anniversary Monday. I have lost at the present time -85 pounds and over 65 inches. I'm healthier and happier! I am off all meds but hormones and of course vits/B-12 shots once a month. I feel alive once again! I exercise more now, than I did as a teenager. Everyday consist of walking 2 miles/biking 2-3 miles/swimming/water aerobics 4 times a week. In the short 5 months I have gone from 24/26's to 10/12's. I Love Shopping once more. I have increased my proteins from 50 to 80-90 and low carbs (less than 50 a day)...... I had been on a month long plateau and started with Carb Solutions (WalMart) and have loss 3 pounds in 5 days. I now add 2 cans a day for an extra 42 grams protein and it is yummy to boot, plus I get 22 ozs of liquid besides. lol I shut myself in for the last year as the weight kept rising and now I don't want to be in at all! I have sooo much energy. Life Is Great! Good Luck one and all!
   — Hazel S.

August 7, 2003
I am 53 open RNY 1/07/02- i started at 338 am 4'11" tall and now weigh 50! My doc says not to lose more than down to 135- so I am trying to be good but I rush about a lot and am still losing. I just had a lower body lift last month and am recovering from some open sutures- slowly- the protein malabsorption has a role in this- but I am healing, and looking forward to being able to go back to the gym
   — jomu

August 7, 2003
I am 14 months post op, Lap RYN, 68 years old. Weighed 312# and now am 190#. Am still losing weight, but slower and that's OK with me. Went from size 26 to 18. Energy level is great. Just returned from a 3 week river cruise to Russia and I went on every outing and even lost 3#.
   — Barbara C.

August 7, 2003
At 17 months post-op I have lost 75% of my excess weight (120 lbs). I was basically bedridden the first six months and cannot exercise because of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am still slowly losing (2-3 lbs per month) and life is certainly better now. Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

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