bone density, lean body mass and goal weight

14 years ago I lost 98 pounds on the liquid protein diet Medifast. I had my lean body mass weighed by the hydrostatic method of being submerged under water on a scale. Now I am 2 weeks post-op open distal RNY and I am wondering if my lean body mass has changed much? At that point, due to my heritage and my years of obesity my lean body mass was 119 pounds, setting my goal weight at about 145. (I am 5ft 3&1/2 inches) So now I am beginning to think about goal weight. I am wondering how much muscle mass we lose during this rapid weight loss. I am sure it will vary with how much exercise I do but I am curious never the less if any one knows about lean body mass after WLS.    — sissie S. (posted on September 1, 2003)

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