Do they pull your muscles together?

I am 14 months post-op from my RNY surgery. I have a hernia that I had long before my wls (it is from having two c-sections using the same incision). I was hoping to wait to have the hernia repaired until I was ready to have a tummy tuck. Well, I do not think the hernia will wait much longer, and although I have lost over 170 pounds I am not near enough to goal to go for plastic surgery just yet. My insurance specifically states that they cover a tummy tuck for wls patients who have lost more than 100 pounds and are at least 18 months post-op (with a few other requirements). So I figure I might as well wait to have that done and have them pay for it. Anyway, back to my question: I have been having some pain and I think it is time for the hernia repair. Well I was researching and reading through the library and ran across someone who said that their surgeon just went in and layed the mesh over the opening and sticthed it into place. That person said her stomach now sticks out and you can tell where the mesh was stitched in. I always thought that they pulled your muscles back together and then added the mesh. I really thought it was there more for reinforcement than to cover a hole that would still be there. Anybody out there that can shed some light on this? Is there a nurse or someone who had this done that can answer? I hate to think that I will have to go through the rest of my life with this giant lump in the front of my stomach! Someone told me that I really should find out how much more it would cost to have a tummy tuck at the same time and then pay the difference out of pocket rather than wait umtil I qualify for insurance to pay for the tt. She was convinced that the only way I would get a good outcome would be to go ahead and have both procedures together. Please share your thoughts...Thanks in advance! RNY 07/08/02 388/217/175ish :-)    — Jenny S. (posted on September 11, 2003)

September 11, 2003
I had a huge incisional hernia and had it repaired when I had plastic surgery. I was nervous about having to have mesh put in but my plastic surgeon, who did the hernia repair, assured me that he could fix it without mesh. Sure enough he did even though afterwards he said it was much larger than what he had thought. I'm very flat where the hernia was. I'm looking at your weight stats. I started at 377 and weighed 230ish when I had plastic surgery I couldn't wait any longer. You should start takling to surgeons now so when you do reach your 18 months you can have everything all lined up.
   — Pamela B.

September 11, 2003
I had mesh placed 4 weeks ago, It was an emergency and a tummy tuck was impossible even tho I have lost 115 # and am 15 # from goal due to the emergency situation it was fix it or I could have severe damage. The mesh according to my dr, is stitched inside the hole in the muscles. It definately sticks out, however it is sticking out due to swelling in the area. There is a pocket of fluid that forms around the mesh that is about the size of a large grapefruit. I hear the swelling may take 3 or more months to resolve. you can have a good outcome either way.
   — **willow**

September 11, 2003
Mine wasn't a specific hernia, my abdominals muscles were severely damaged on my entire left side. My doctor spent 6 1/2 hours doing my beltlipectomy type surgery and repaired my muscles with stitching, no mesh as far as I know. He had to completely pull everything back together and stitch it back in place where it belonged. There is a LOT of stitching on my left side. Its definitely worth finding a surgeon to do it right the first time. Its painful and a long recovery (at least it was for me) and not something I'd want to do more than once. Worth it - yes, twice - no.
   — Shelly S.

September 12, 2003
I too had a terrible hernia that could not wait - it was emergently repaired. They used a 9" piece of mesh to cover the hole. There is NO indication that the repair had been done except for the scar (where they cut over an old incision). I wish I could've waited until I was ready for my abdominoplasty, but the pain was too great. Good Luck to you.
   — kultgirl

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