Is 2 week pre-op liquid diet necessary?

I have read alot from this site and alot of people are eating right up to the day before surgery. My doctor is having me do a 2 week liquid diet pre-op.    — Amy K. (posted on October 28, 2003)

October 28, 2003
I'm sched. for wls on Nov. 10th, and my doc did not have me do anything special, except that I was to have absolutely nothing, not even water after midnight, before surgery. When asked about this, he told me that as a type 2 diabetic, I was already not eating sugar, and watching carb intake, and I had already stopped caffiene, colas, and carbonated drinks. I didn't smoke or drink, all of which can lead to surgical complications. The pre-op diet is mainly used to 'shrink' the size of the liver, making it easier for the surgeon to work in a confined space.
   — track

October 28, 2003
Just like all doctors have different post-op requirements, many have different pre-op routines. I had one day of clear liquids before my surgery but I have heard of others having up to a 4 week liquid diet. What is important is that you do what YOUR doctor says to do.
   — Patty_Butler

October 28, 2003
Personally I couldn't have done it and admire you for having the mental strength to take this on. If your doc requires it, (s)he must think it's necessary! Is that at least FULL liquids? Cause if so you can have crackers and anything else that will break down completely in water.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 28, 2003
What?!?!?!? How about 2 days!
   — Debby M.

October 28, 2003
Every doctor is different. When I had my RNY, it was no eating after MIDNIGHT (which is a MUST); but I was able to eat up until then. When I had my last surgery, the surgeon wanted you on liquids for 2 DAYS , Not 2 weeks.
   — star .

October 28, 2003
I know that the liquid diet sounds horrible, but it IS WORTH IT! I had about a week and a half prior to surgery (8/01/03), and the first two days were the most difficult. After that, you will find other things to keep yourself busy. I just kept saying to myself, "Liquid diet=successful surgery). Three months later, it doesn't phase me. I think it was a good experience because it showed you how much your lifestyle and eating habits will change--dramatically!!! best of luck to you! Kristin 296/277/235
   — Kristin K.

October 29, 2003
Gosh, that sounds horrible! My pre-op liquid diet was only 2 days (I actually shortened it myself to a day and a half), and I was still going crazy. I was ravenous, and had the worst headache I've ever had. I honestly don't believe I could have done that for 2 weeks! Does your doctor want to make sure you lose some weight prior to surgery, or is this his/her general policy? Sometimes I have to marvel at the different things they make us go through. I worried for weeks prior to my surgery that my surgeon would cancel me due to having gained weight, as that has been her policy recently. I really worked at getting it off (about 6 pounds), and the day of my pre-op I was under my consult weight, so everything was OK. Another lady whose pre-op appt was the same day was overweight by 6 pounds, but she didn't get canceled. Go figure! Best of luck to you!
   — Carlita

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