Now 8 months post op, Why am I experiencing Nights Sweats???

   — gyneasmith (posted on November 9, 2003)

November 8, 2003
HI Nea, well i went on google and found this site there are also other links on that page....if u find that article not astisfying try going on and put night sweats, i got lots of stuff seems to happen alot to be people...but the most important thing i found is to call your doctor...he knows best and can do tests to find out the cause...if he is not taking you seriously then find one who will, our bodies never do something for no reason...hugs Dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

November 8, 2003
I had the same problem. Come to find out I was hypoglycemic. When I told my GYN about the night sweats, he presumed that because I was 43, it was menopausal. After staring estrogen, the sweats and rapid heartbeat continued. I stopped the estrogen on my own. A while later, my internist checked my hormone levels and they were absolutely fine. Make sure you eat before you go to bed and in the morning, dont skip meals. That pretty took care of my hypoglycemia. Before surgery I was on 4 diabetic oral meds, now I have to be careful not to et low blood sugar. It really bothers me that docs put women on estrogen just because they may be of "menopausal age". Make sure they check your levels first. I certainly dont want to take any meds I dont have too.
   — L M.

November 9, 2003
Wow, I assumed that my hot flashes during sleep were somehow related to pre-menopause. I guess I better check with my doctor. This just started happening avouple of weeks ago - I'm currently 7 months out. I don't wake up completely drenched in sweat, but definitely a little sweaty and very hot! Barb 4/07/03 235/146/130
   — Barbara C.

November 9, 2003
I thought I was the only one. I have noticed that my hot flashes have been more frequent and more intense. I am 8 1/2 months out and weigh 144. I have had my ovaries removed as of 4/200, and have been off HRT as of 1/03. I was told I may have flashes but was considering n=myself pretty lucky. Recently they have been more noticable. I just had bloodwork done and there was no mention of hypoglycemia. I'll bring this up at our support group in 2 weeks and report back!
   — Fixnmyself

November 10, 2003
Hello, My guess would be your sugar level is dropping. I am 4 i/2 months post op and I experience this mainly during the day. I am a diabetic and here recently I have had to cut my insulin way down because I have experienced lows. When your sugar drops you will break out in a sweat just like you would if you were menopausal. I know because I have a complete hysterectomy. My sugar dropped on me the other evening and I checked it and it was 59. I had to hurry and get something in me to bring it up. It would be nice if you knew someone who had a monitor so you could check your sugar when this happens. I would talk to the doctor and see what he suggests. Godd Luck!!
   — cindylou56

November 14, 2003
Thanks guys, Although I didn't have low sugar or any problem involving sugar prior to surgery, I never thought that low sugar could cause that. I haven't had this problem since posting, I now eat something before going to sleep and haven't boken into sweats for about 3 nights...Thanks again...Nea
   — gyneasmith

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