Took 2 Excedrin tablets today for a is 4 days away

Hey everyone. My surgery is scheduled on Wednesday, 12/3, and I took 2 excedrin tablets today. I was skimming through my pre-op paperwork and my surgeon states no aspirin 7 days before surgery. Shoots, I guess I need to tell him. I'm concerned that my surgery may be delayed. Has anyone had this problem?    — ellton (posted on November 29, 2003)

November 29, 2003
i don't think it will hurt you but your doctor knows best.
   — Delores S.

November 29, 2003
I don't think one dose will hurt matters, especially since Excedrin is only half aspirin if I am remembereing correctly, but to be sure let your Dr. know.
   — Fixnmyself

November 29, 2003
Just let your doc know, it has to do with how thin your blood is. I don' t think that it should postpone your surgery, but they give you a shot of heparin and they need to know if you have had any other blood thinners. Plus the effects the aspirin can have on your tummy. Just let them know and I think everything will be okay. Lisa Hackenburg (postop 10-23-03 lap/rny Dr. Williams) 331/291?/141?
   — Lisa H.

November 30, 2003
I would just tell them, more than likely they can test and see how fast you clot and you will be fine. If they were quick tabs those I think are all acetominephane(sp). Good Luck Wed!
   — Saxbyd

November 30, 2003
In answer to Tonya's question, the Dr. is worried about increased bleeding during surgery and aspirin is a blood thinner. It would be a good idea to call and let your doctor know, he will probably go ahead as planned. Just don't take any more. And ask what you can take until your surgery.
   — Maria H.

December 1, 2003
My surgery was almost postponed for this exact reason. I had taken excedrin 9 days prior to surgery and was in the room being prepped for surgery when they asked me if I had taken any asprin and I told them I had. Luckily for me, it was close enough to 10 days that my doctor decided to proceed. You will probably get postponed. The asprin puts you at a high risk for excessive bleeding which could be fatal to you if anything goes wrong.
   — Dawn P.

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