Does anyone take Plavix

I checked the library and could not find a answer. I am currently on a blood thinner (coumdin) and will soon be taken off of coumdin, but since I have had a stroke, I will be put on Plavix, to prevent another stroke, has anyone been using Plavix, and are there any problems using it after WLS? I will be calling my surgeons office to ask them, but, I thought if someone had actually used this medication, I could get the true scoop.    — cindy (posted on April 3, 2004)

April 3, 2004
Hi Cindy! I am on Plavix and have been on it for a little over 3 years now since I had my stroke in 2001. I had WLS about 18 months ago and have not had any problems. You may bruise easier, but other than that, there aren't many side effects...I don't even have the bruising. If you have any further questions, feel free to email me directly at [email protected]
   — Jen D.

April 3, 2004
I have been on Plavix since 1999, because of a stroke I had.The only time I stopped it was one week prior to my surgery date. The surgeon put me back on it as soon as I had my surgery. I have not had any problems what so ever.
   — cindylou56

April 3, 2004
Hi! I had a stroke in June of 2003 and the doctor put me on an aspirin a day. I had Lap RNY in August of 2003. I a couple of mini strokes in November of 2003 and that's when my doctor here in Oklahoma put me on Plavix. I haven't had any complications while taking it other than bruising a little easier. And thank God NO MORE STROKES>>>>>not even a mini stroke! I would have rather taken the aspirin, but it obviously wasn't enough or another episode wouldn't have occured. I'm thankful for the Plavix and think you will be also. It is costly....somewhere around $130 a month if you don't have insurance to cover it. Thank goodness I do so mine isn't but $10 a month. Hope this helps and good luck with your weight loss! I have currently lost 131 #'s in 7 1/2 months!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!
   — dawn J.

April 3, 2004
Hello. My doc automatically puts his patients on Plavix for 30 days after surgery. (he also gives a blood thinner shot just prior to surgery)I was thrilled about this as blood clots were my biggest fear with this surgery. Once my 30 days were up I took a St. Joseph's asprin once a day for another month just to be sure. I was really paranoid about it. I walked and walked liked nobody's business as well!
   — Pizofret

April 4, 2004
Hi Cindy, I have been taking Plavix and a baby asprin daily for the past three years since I had a heart attack. My surgeon wanted me to stop taking the Plavix seven days before the surgery but let me keep taking the asprin. Once I was home from the hospital I was allowed to resume the Plavix again. I have not had any problems taking the Plavix or the asprin. (Well except for the the black and blue marks that I get. But I am able to cover them up by going to the tanning salon). I do make sure that I never take the pills on an empty stomach. Hope this helps. Caroline.
   — blank first name B.

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