Just About 1 yr Post-Op and Pregnant, Need some help!!

I'm very excited about this baby, 9/12/04 will be 1 yr post-op and i'm 6 weeks pregnant. I need some advise from people who have had babies post-op, any web sites for info to calm my nerves? Just before i had my surgery, all the sudden it was all in the news about gastric bypass and death, now that i'm pregnant it's in the news again about some lady being 8 month pregnant and her and her baby both dying. I'm a little scared, stressed, and would like to hear from anyone who has had a baby since gastric bypass RNY Thankyou so much!!!    — Lynne W. (posted on August 12, 2004)

August 12, 2004 Great website for postop WLS pregnancies. Congratulations! Denise 316/158
   — lily1968

August 12, 2004
First of all congratulations!!! My daughter will be 3 months old on 8/22. I had my WLS 7/14/03, not a type o. I got pregnant about 6 weeks after my surgery. I didn't have any problems at all. I gained 23lbs during my pregnancy and lost all of it 2 weeks after she was born. She is healthy and beautiful. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.
   — badkidzmom

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