Has anyone had Laporscopic with bruising around one of the incisions?

   — Cynthia S. (posted on December 18, 2004)

December 17, 2004
Oh yes and my bruising was so bad it turned blackish purple. My bruising extended about 4 inches around my belly button incision. The bruising looked worse than my incision, but the bruises faded in about a week or so. I think I bruised so bad because of all the work they were doing with the lap. tools.
   — ckreh

December 18, 2004
Yes, I have heard that that is very common, especially around the left side port area because that is where the doctor does most of the work and puts the instruments in and out.
   — ChristineB

December 19, 2004
Yup...I have 7 small incisions and they are all bruised...totally normal, a little sore, but it's good news that the bruises show means you're healing! WooHoo!!!
   — Hypnocutie Cha CHa

December 19, 2004
Yes. I'm three weeks out and the bruising was on my whole stomach. Doc said he nicked a vein when cutting and filled my skin area with blood. I am only black and blue around my incisions now and the tenderness is almost gone. So don't worry it gets better quick. Tee
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 20, 2004
I had bruising at the left side incision where the stapler goes in. It developed into a hematoma and became swollen. The doctor finally opened it back up at 3 weeks post-op as it had become about softball size. He pushed out as much of the pus and blood as he could and packed the opening with gauze. I had to have a home health nurse come daily for a week. She taught me how to change the packing. I had to do that for 4 weeks, until the incision had healed from the inside. It was not fun. I am now 9 weeks out and that area is still bruised.
   — MEW11450

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