Can we keep religion out of this?

I realize that the post with the scriptures on it, was tried and failed to be able to send to JoAnn individually. I think we should keep religion out of the posts because inevitably someone's beliefs get trod upon. So call me way too politically correct. There are way too many different religous beliefs or atheists to elaborate beyond asking for prayers. Just my two cents for what its worth.    — mary S. (posted on August 29, 1999)

August 29, 1999
Thank you very much for the posting. I too feel that religion is not a necessary thing to put on this site. Personally I find it offensive, as I am not a christian. I am considered "other". I feel that to ask for prayers can mean several things. So thank you for voicing my opinion also.
   — Cheri H.

August 29, 1999
I, too, try to be politically correct; however, it doesn't offend me to have the "religion" thing on the site. Why don't you just ignore those types of messages and let others who do take comfort from them, read them as they wish?
   — [Anonymous]

August 29, 1999
This WLS is a major decision for me and quite honestly I want God to be involved in every aspect of it with me, each step of the way. I want the freedom to post a request for prayer when it's needed and the freedom to respond to one, like JoAnn's, as well. It shouldn't really be that big of a deal. If you aren't a person who believes in God or prayer or some other religion that someone might mention from time to time and are easily offended by them OR you don't want to respond to such posts then skip them and move on to the next.
   — Brealynn

August 29, 1999
This one is for Mary Skinner... If we take religion out of our life, when we believe, then we deny that we have been created. An eye cannot evolve. If what you request is adhered to, then we need to take the words... pray, prayer, angel, etc. out of these messages. I think people go a little too far when they ask the majority of us to leave religion out when most of us believe in God. Why don't we all just read what people have to say. You don't have to believe or accept everything you read... but let others have their own belief system in peace. God, and a lot of people praying for me got me through my WLS... AMEN. (All with due respect)
   — Alyce K.

August 29, 1999
By requesting for others to 'keep religion out of the site' you are asking many people to eliminate an important part of their life. I don't think that is as 'politically correct' as you might think it is, but rather serving YOUR interests (instead of everyone's interests). Why don't you just ignore the posts that speak of people's spiritual needs and desires if they offend you? Personally, prayer and faith brought me to the decision to have WLS, led me to my surgeon, and got me through to the other side. The support and prayers of my peers from this site were invaluable, and still are!
   — Jaye C.

August 29, 1999
I am not leaving Jesus Christ or God out of my postings for you or anybody else. I am so sick and tired of people telling Christians when we can pray or mention God it makes me sick! You have a right not to belive- I HAVE A RIGHT TO BELIEVE. By the way, I am praying for YOU!!!!!
   — Lynn D.

August 30, 1999
My religion believes that there is truth in all religion. I don't mind the scripture post because the poster was not trying to convert me or convince me that my religion was the "wrong" one. When I was having my surgery I did not say "no christian prayers allowed." Now lets get back to supporting each other, ok?
   — terri S.

August 30, 1999
AMEN to all your WONDERFUL POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

August 30, 1999
I couldn't agree more. This site is not for prosletizing. I understand you want to be helpful. But it is hurtful to those of other than the Christian belief. Keep religion personal, please.
   — Barbara F. G.

August 30, 1999
Q: Can we keep religion out of this? [08/30] Freedom of religion means you have the right not to pray. I'm glad you felt able to express your views on keeping religion out of the posts. I love freedom of religion and freedom of speech, because that means I get to tell you I disagree with your opinion. One thing my "religion" has taught me is tolerance for others' differing opinions. I hope you will allow those of us who wish to pray publicly and mention God and all that stuff to do so here. Just as we don't mind if you DON'T. Thanks a lot for stating your opinion. If there's another thing I particularly like it's diversity and we sure have it in this community. Have whatever kind of day YOU choose. Love, Cindy There's a big difference between offering prayer and posting a sermon on this board. This isn't a religious chat board, it is a weight loss support board, consisting of probably any number of different christian beliefs, as well as Jews, athiests, agnostics and people who've been "hurt" by religion. I do not feel and by the number of posts in agreement, see that many others do not feel it is right to be posting sermons on here. Most everyone listed in this support board has posted their email address in their personal profile. If you wish to discuss more than offering your thoughts and prayers, in a religious aspect, that should be done privately. Please do so...
   — Sherrie G.

August 30, 1999
Thanks! I agree. Asking for prayers or support is one thing. Telling me how or showing any preference to a religion is a no no. You are right we are not all "Christians" on here. BB
   — Jeannette C.

August 30, 1999
We can agree to disagree on religion. Faith is important to many especially when facing the prospects of life threatening procedures and, or major life changes. It is important that we as a support group can rely on each other for just that whether it comes in the form of a spoken words, prayer: to Jesus/God, Mohammed, Budha, trees, great spirit, or whatever one may use in a positive and supportive way for one another. But preaching and proselytizing ones beliefs do not allow us to be supportive. these are tools one uses for self acceptance. We each find our own personal niche for religious believes and we should honor all that is love and supportive with in each while we honor each other by respecting eaches respective beliefs. Unless, this board and its members at large wish this to become a religious war we should continue to try to support one another in our own way without preaching, proselytizing our espoused religion to each other. Although the use of the word God does not offend me persoanlly it may others, as my term Great Spirit might some. May you follow your heart.
   — Jeannette C.

August 30, 1999
I say if you don't like the scriptures then DELETE It!! I found them quite encouraging.You're right though, the world is sure made up of different people. Maybe if this world had more good in it we wouldn't have the killings, rape, burgleries, ect. that we commonly live with today. I would take God anyday before I'd settle for evil!!
   — [Anonymous]

August 30, 1999
As much God I can get on here would never equal the amount I would need to see me through this surgery. God and Religion are two different things Religion is manmade. Scriptures are GODMADE.
   — [Anonymous]

September 6, 1999
Hi... Just a comment to your posting. Religion, science, family, diet, our personal experiences at being overweight, losing weight etc.....the list goes on forever are all examples of each of our personal beliefs. How I respond to someones question as everything to do with who I am. Including me religious beliefs. Just as I may not agree with someones view on diet I may not agree with their religion. So if you say we can't talk about religion....What is there we can talk about without potentially bothering someone else?? I personally believe this is a wonder resource and support site for us. If I don't agree with something that's OK. Everyone is entitled to their opinion...that includes religion. I'm wondering why you feel so strongly about not talking about religion?
   — Penny W.

September 6, 1999
This issue has been silenced for over a week, Lets please keep it that way. This is a Surgical Support Group, that's what we should be discussing. Please let us not get another major debate going causing the purpose of this forum, "Weight Loss Sugery Support" get pushed to the background again. Thank you!
   — Sherrie G.

February 21, 2003
i love every single one of you and so does god!!!!!
   — Jenny L.

February 21, 2003
i love every single one of you and so does god!!!!!
   — Jenny L.

February 21, 2003
I say the same thing here as anywhere, If our american money can say "In God we Trust" and the last time I checked we are in america, why can I not tell someone that there surgery is in the hands of God and there surgeon, and if I want to tell them God Bless, I live in a country that gives me that right. So God Bless
   — cindy

February 21, 2003
America is based on freedom. I have the freedom to take comfort in the Word of God and you have the freedom to delete it. Please don't take away my comfort.
   — Amy E.

February 21, 2003
If people have a belief of god and scriptors so be it... if you are against it then go some where else that you do not have FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!! Enough said!
   — Vicki R.

February 21, 2003
I'm neither a Christian or religious, but if people find comfort in God, let them. I can just ignore it if it bothers me.
   — George B.

February 21, 2003
Wow, what a great question, discussion. I want to preface my answer by saying that I think it is admirable that some people have such strong religious ties that it creeps into everything they say and do. But what I think some of us don't realize is that NOT ALL OF US DO. only request would be this: don't assume that I believe the same things you do, or that references to Jesus or the Bible are going to work for me. Don't assume that when you say you are a "Christian woman" that that has any meaning to me beyond that you go to Church regularly. More power to you, your beliefs are powerful things. But....mine are too, and when I post a question about WLS, I don't necessarily need to hear about your beliefs. A little tolerance and goodness (without proselytizing) will go a long way.
   — Tamara K.

February 21, 2003
As someone said, this is a surgical support group, and personally, God is my number one support system. I don't believe in forcing religion on anyone, or preaching to someone who doesn't want it. However, I do think it's unfair that some of those who DO NOT believe, feel they have more right to denounce religion then those who believe have the right to praise it. We live in a country that allows freedom of religion, speach, and expression. And those of us that want to express our belief and faith, have just as much right as those who do not. We all can't agree on everything. But TOLERANCE, goes a long way. Just my 2cents worth. Have a great day. :-)
   — KellyJeanB

February 21, 2003
I find it so interesting how a question has resurfaced after 3 1/2 years. First of all, I am a 'Christian' and that does not have anything to do with how often I go to church, it is all about my personal and close relationship with my Lord. And I really like the way someone *3 years ago* compared it to differences of opinion with specific diets. If you don't care for someones opinion on whether they drink milk or not, you just ignore it and move on. The same attitude should be applied to any subject matter including religion. It is very simple to scroll over or move on to the next question. Its obvious that those who are so offended could use some 'religion'. I just don't hear the 'love' coming from the opposing party. ><>
   — Cheri M.

February 21, 2003
For many of us, our faith in Jesus Christ as our personal savior is at the core of who we are. Our beliefs are not a separate topic that can be set aside until the world thinks a politically correct moment has occured. Our faith, the teachings of the Bible, and personal experiences drive our actions, speech, and behavior choices. ~ For me my relationship with God is first and strengthens the core (center) of who I am. Like a three layer cake, if you eat or take out the center, the sides will surely fall in. ~ Faith gives people hope, stability, and comfort. That is what I pray for the members of this site. I'm glad you posted the question.
   — Kim A.

February 21, 2003
I read your post about keeping RELIGION out of THIS..quite frankly i think you are confusing Christianity with Religion; there is a difference..... Christians are not ashamed to praise God in any forum, because no matter what w e do, say or how we behave, Jesus does not forsake us. Lets see how much Prayer you ask for and how much crying out to the God almighty, the night before your surgery, or if you have unforseen complications. To know Him is to love him, and when you love someone, you can't stop talking about them. For Christians he is apart of everything we do. Therefore if some toes get stepped on but God is glorified then its all worth it. You are concerned about getting to the other side, try getting concerned about the RIGHT SIDE. You can't Censor GOd.......just my 2 cents
   — msschambers

February 21, 2003
"Right side" and "let's see how much you pray before surgery"? LOL What's that supposed to mean? The poster's is that everyone doesn't believe in God so they should be beaten over the head with relgious or Christian verbage. AT THE SAME TIME, they should be respectful of those who do want that. Telling someone that they should be concerned about being on the "right side" sounds like you're preaching. That person my be living a life where they treat all those around them with love and kindness. In my mind, that's all that matters in the end and not what we believe or don't believe. I say we just agree to ignore those references to God, religion, or whatever when they annoy us; and also, not to preach, belittle, or push your beliefs on those who do not believe.
   — George B.

February 21, 2003
george brooks: I pray for you my lost brother
   — msschambers

February 22, 2003
If you'll scroll down you'll see this thread is from <b>1999</b>...why would somebody stir things up like this, especially now? We have enough problems on this board as it is. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 22, 2003
Anyone can be "religious" about anything, Ex. I religiously follow my diet. I religiously exercise. etc. To be a "Christian is to be Christlike in all you do. Step said it best. Just my two cents. I think where the problem comes in is when people try to convert people to a certain denomination or group without regard to that persons beliefs.
   — Delores S.

February 22, 2003
Stephanie: I am not being sarcastic. I do appreciate your prayers. People did pray for me when I had my surgery. Those are just not my beliefs. I am not lost. I live my life and do whatever I can to help all I meet. I'm no less of a loving, moral, or kind person because I am not Christian. I am just George. Please respect that, as I respect your beliefs. I will stand up for anyone's right to believe or worship as they feel is appropriate for them, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever. We are all human beings. We all want to be happy. This goal can be achieved with or with a belief in a particular faith as long as we love and respect our fellow man and woman. However, to ridicule, pity, or look down on someone who doesn't share your beliefs is not the path that we should follow. However, that's just my opinion.
   — George B.

February 22, 2003
I'm with Cheri McGee on this - I agree 100%.
   — Toni C.

September 8, 2003
OK, you're way too politically correct. Keep your two cents. I wanted to say so much more, but I don't think I'd be approved. Shame on you.
   — sandieguy

September 9, 2003
If you don't like the religous writing, don't read them. As for me, I'll keep God on my side and send his blessing to all. I find it interesting that those who try to eliminte God think that their rights are more important than the right of the believers. Equal is Equal. God Bless
   — Linda K.

September 9, 2003
you people that believe in god, do you really think he is out there reading these bords, gimme a break. religion is a personal thing lets keep it that way!
   — s H.

September 4, 2004
I say if you don't like the subject line, don't read the post. JMHO ;-)
   — Jane S.

September 4, 2004
this question is back from 1999 and resurfaces perodically.
   — bob-haller

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