iam looking for a gal who had the surgery as i did who will truly understand me

hi iam looking for a gal who has had the surgery as i did whocan truly understand what we are going through to date as freinds first and possibly a long term relationship leading to marrige does this site have a after surgery meeting section where those who had the surgery can connect at least by email to start relationships    — Kenneth B. (posted on September 6, 1999)

September 6, 1999
Interesting question Kenneth, and not a bad idea. Of the many OSSG lists, nothing fits this bill (OSSG singles seems to have pooped out and concentrating mostly on a trip to Cancun). Why don't you start an OSSG list yourself & invite everyone or see if Eric has an interest in adding it to this site. I know on my favorite list, [email protected] we do plenty of kidding about finding people of the opposite sex after surgery, what will people think of our saggy skin pre-plastic surgery, etc. There is definitely gold to be mined here. Get going. My surgery is in Oct., so I'll be checking in after the first of the year. Make me a match!
   — Jill L.

September 6, 1999
Like some have suggested, go to group :) But, be careful not to appear to be preying on people. My group specifically discouraged this, so that people would feel safe to discuss feelings openly. Perhaps if there is someone in your group who you feel you may have something in common with, you might ask her to coffee :) Good Luck!
   — Sherrie G.

September 6, 1999
P.S. you might also suggest In Group that if there are any singles interested in socializing you'd like to get something going! Lots of clubs in Lauderdale to go dancing and such!
   — Sherrie G.

September 6, 1999
What an interesting idea. I like the possibilities. I just had my surgery a little over 2 weeks ago, so I am still on liquids. Its hard I really want to eat. I live in Anchorage Alaska so I am almost as far away as you can possibly get. My e-mail address is [email protected] if you would like to correspond back and forth. Good luck on your search.
   — bperrin

February 23, 2000
What a great idea. My first consult with the surgeon is in 6 days. I was just talking with a good friend about how dating when I lose the weight will be different, and how to get someone to understand the choices I make (most people are dead set against the surgery... I feel I'm dead without it). This can be a potentially big issue for many.
   — Aurele K.

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