100 pounds over, but BMI only 37

I am 100 pounds over, but my BMI isn't over 40. Although I am this heavy, I haven't had serious medical problems. I do have a brother just diagnosed with diabetes and my father had heart problems,as well as his sister and brother and many of my 1st cousins. All dead due to heart issues. Is WLS surgery worth pursueing or will my insurance want my own personal co-morbilities.    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 27, 2000)

March 27, 2000
Why not find out -- what have you got to lose?!! My surgeon's literature says they consider women 80 lbs overweight and men 100 lbs overweight for the surgery. (Not even mentioning BMI at this point). I'd go for it and I wish you success!
   — Toni B.

March 27, 2000
You have nothing to lose but the excess weight!! I would definitely try to see if I could get the surgery approved. MY health history wasn't too bad but my family has a horrible history of all the diseases known to man. And all those diseases are exacerbated by excess weight. I was over a 100 pounds overweight plus my BMI was like 47 but still, I would try it. Good Luck, Marni
   — Marni

July 24, 2000
I really hate to say that I had to put 1 roll of nickles in each pocket and wear a leather vest just to boost me up about 3 lbs to make my BMI 40, I was 102 lbs overweight. Good Luck
   — peaceangel58

July 31, 2002
YES...I am only 39bmi and 95 over. The doctors will help you find the comorbids that you need if you are serious about it. I didnt have too much of a problem but it does take some time and detication to going to dr. appointments.
   — crisjenn73

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