Reasons that make the surgery medically necessary?

My insurance says that surgery must be medically necessary. The Dr. that I have chose to see needs a letter of referal that gives reasons why I should go see this Dr.. I just want to make sure that I do everything right and don't give the insurance company any reasons to not ok the surgery. I have depression (have been hospitalized), reflux, and have weak ankles and knees. Other than that there's not much wrong with me. I don't think that my insurance company will think any of that makes the surgery necessary. Although I have tried to commit suicide twice. What are some of the reasons that would make this surgery necessary? Help, please.    — Erica C. (posted on May 25, 2000)

May 25, 2000
There are many conditions that can be called medically necessary. You have named some in your question. Also what is your BMI? If it is over 40 you can be classified as medically necessary on weight also. Check out examples of letters on for more info, it really helped me. Hope this helps and good luck.
   — Donna A.

May 25, 2000
hi there! i bet you have some co- morbs that you didnt think you had! how about sleep apnea?? did you get tested? what about irregular periods? swelling in your ankles and legs? what about your BMI ?? depression you said you have , what about urine incontience? High blood pressure? are you breathless when you do simple tasks or climbing stairs? have you been tested for high cholesterol? or diabetes? all these could be co- morbidities!! i hope this helps
   — kakykeke

May 25, 2000
Hey Erica: Please be sure to check your family history thoroughly for predisposition to other problems. My family has diabetes (late onset), hypertension, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, etc. If someone in your family has these types of symptoms, list them too as you will be likely to develop some of them without this surgery. Good Luck in the approval process.
   — Dot W.

May 25, 2000
Below is a good site for researching DEFINITIONS OF OBESITY AND CLINICALLY SEVERE OBESITY along with non-surgical and surgical treatment for clinically obese, as well as risks and benefits.. <p> <a href="">Definitions of Obesity</a><br> <p> Visit my profile page for more information, links and recipes <p> <a href="">Gastric Bypass Information, Recipes and Support</a><br>
   — Victoria B.

May 26, 2000
Check out "Beyond Change" lots of good inspirational stories and articles and research on abesity at your finger tips.. Below are just a few of the articles in this month online issue.. <p> Health Benefits and Risks of Weight Loss & The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health <p> <a href="">Beyond Change</a><br> <p> Visit my profile page for more information, links and recipes.. <p> <a href="">Gastric Bypass Information, Recipes and Support</a><br>
   — Victoria B.

May 26, 2000

   — Victoria B.

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