Would someone with cardiac miopathy (sp?) be able to have surgery?

My husband is about 5'10" 315 and has a lot of health problems with the most severe being hypertension which has caused the walls of his heart to thicken so it doesn't pump nearly as much as a normal heart does. He was just diagnosed today with having high cholesterol (almost 200) and now it looks like he may be diabetic. I have tried to talk to him about surgery before and he was against it because of his heart problem. The costs of medications are so high now even with insurance copays. Would anyone know if he would be a candidate for surgery?    — Tanya P. (posted on December 7, 2000)

December 7, 2000
With his weight and his co-morbidities he would be a candidate for the surgery, however, I think that he would need to be evaluated by a heart specialist to determine if he could successfully go through a major operation. The RNY procedure itself doesn't seem like it would affect his heart condition but any major surgery on someone with a heart problem would be riskier, which I'm sure you are already aware of that. My suggestion would be to get with his heart specialist and a bariatric surgeon, get them in touch with other, and let them make the decision. In the long run getting the weight off would improve his heart condition and it DEFINETLY would improve the diabetes. There are alot of people on this sight who have had diabetes and do not have to take medication for it anymore since there weight loss. Good luck to you both.
   — christine L.

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