Has anyone ever NOT suffered from Last Supper Syndrome?

I am on a pre-op diet; my Dr. requires me to lose 10% of my weight before scheduling surgery. I thought that as soon as I got that surgery date that I would leave the Dr.'s office and go to McDonalds or Taco Bell & get something yummy... However that doesn't seem to be the case... even though my surgery is still a few months away, I don't want to eat all of the stuff that won't be able to have for a while. Has anyone else gone thru this??.. I am beginning to feel abnormal.... I just don't want to ever GAIN another pound.    — sgeisendorff (posted on May 1, 2001)

April 30, 2001
I wish that I could say I was one of those who lost weight before surgery, but I spent months saying goodbye to foods that I thought that I would never have again. What I did not realize is that I can have pizza or a hamburger again, I just do not have it all of the time, and do not want the portions that I used to. But even though I ate without any restrictions I only gained about 7 lbs in 5 mnths. I have read about many here who have lost weight before surgery. I admire their will power. Good Luck.
   — Sue B.

April 30, 2001
Stephanie, Both hubby and I are 5 days post-op and feeling failry well! We do EVERYTHING together! He's my best friend in the whole world. Once we got our surgery date, we made a list of about 6 foods and/or restaurants we wanted before surgery. But when it came time to eat each day, we really had no desire to splurge and food became less important to us. We both lost a few pounds unintentionally. We both kept telling ourselves that there would probably be nothing we could never have again - we would just have some foods less frequently and much less volume. The one thing I HAD to have was some popcorn from the theatre because I am afraid I may not ever be able to digest it afterwards. Good luck to you and you are perfectly normal. Everyone will react differently to eating before their surgery date. Some run out and eat everything and some don't - both perfectly normal reactions, IMHO.
   — Anika R.

April 30, 2001
Stephanie, I planned, down to every detail, what I wanted for my "last meal". I obsessed over what kind of meat, potatoes, dessert, etc and which restaurant to go to to get exactly what I wanted. Got there- it didn't taste good, or at least as good as I built it up in my mind. I took it as God giving me some insight on what my eating will be after surgery. I was sooo thankful because when I was going through the liquid/pureed stage, I DIDN'T have a last meal to remember and even maybe wish for again. I was able to look forward. Good Luck!
   — M B.

April 30, 2001
I never looked at is as a "last meal" really. I lost 21 lbs between August and October when I had my surgery. I had a couple of things that I knew I definitely would not be able to have after surgery but I never felt compelled to overeat !!! I knew that by losing weight, my surgery was going to be a lot easier on me physically and that was what I focused on. It worked for me but each person is an individual with separate ideas. Good luck with your surgery !! Diane C.
   — Diane C.

May 1, 2001
Yes, I never had a 'last supper' syndrome... I decided to begin eating as I would post-op (increasing protein, reducing carbs and sugar) to see if I could really live with it. The post-op DS diet was no problem - I actually lost 7 lbs before surgery! :) I have been able to eat everything as a post-op, too --- but in smaller amounts (stomach size now is about 4-8 oz). All the best,
   — Teresa N.

May 3, 2001
Hey, stop and think, what does that mean, "last supper syndrome". Sounds like you will never eat again. Well this is not true. I had my surgery on 4/27/01 and on 4/26/01 my wonderful husband and I went to Olive Garden in Houston, and quess what I had: Salad with breadsticks, calamari, and ice tea. My husband is 6'4 and 302 pounds but not at all fat but is a big eater and to show his support he had salad with me along with spinach dip on scones. It is best to get yourself gear for a change in eating habit or a change in not eating ever again.
   — LANIE M.

May 3, 2001
After getting my surgery date, I had 2 weeks to wait. I had people tell me I was crazy for not getting in those "last meals." I got my date on 1/10, by 1/24 I'd lost 21 pounds. I was so excited about the surgery, and wanted to feel as good as possible, food didn't seem important. What I didn't realize is that I'd still be able to eat the same foods after surgery (unfortunately!). Good luck, Tina
   — Tina C.

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