Does anyone know anything about Dr. Brown in Denver?

I looked Dr. Brown up in the WLS index, he's listed but no comments. I went to the state licensing site, his license is clear and shows no history of Disciplinary Action. Please anyone with experience. Answer here or to my email. THanks [email protected] Krista    — Krista L. S. (posted on May 19, 2001)

May 22, 2001
Hi Krista, I'm from the Denver area and I've never heard of this doctor. Perhaps he's new to this area or to this kind of surgery. However, if you do find anything out about him, please let us know.
   — kcanges

May 23, 2001
I have heard that Dr Brown has just started to do wls. He is a lap surgeon. That's all I know!
   — KERI L.

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