Is there anyone who was on disability post-op that had it extended

I'm currently five wks. post-op and scheduled to return to work next week but don't feel like i'm ready just yet one reason is because i'm still healing and I do do alot of lifting. I can't afford to stay off work without pay but I don't quite know how to explain it to my doctor can anyone that went through this explain the things that were going on in their lives and whether or not you were approved for extended disabilty.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 18, 2001)

June 18, 2001
I had surgery on April 26, 2001. I was scheduled to go back to work on 5-28, 2001 after four weeks of total disability. My FMLA papers reflected the aforementioned dates. I am a paramedic and because my job is extremely physical my return date would have been for light duty, i.e. office work. I did not feel up to that and had my leave extended until the beginning of July without any problems or questions from my employer. However, I did provide documentation from my physcian. Good Luck!
   — Margaret M.

June 18, 2001
I had surgery 5-23-00, and I extended my disability twice. I simply made an appointment with my doctor, and had him sign the appropriate forms. I had no problems at all. Pam
   — Pamela G.

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