My mom had the surgery 20+ years ago over the past year is not keeping any thing down

My mother has gone from a size 16 to a 6 in less than a year. She complains about HEAVY mucus on her stomach and throws up almost EVERYTHING she eats. She vomits EVERY time she eats something. I'm scared it's going to kill her if she doesn't find help. Her doctor has since retired and we can't find anyone who knows about her situation. Granted she loves the weight loss but I believe her health is at risk. Can anyone give me some direction or know how this can be corrected?    — Linda F. (posted on August 1, 2001)

August 1, 2001
Please have your mother see a doctor who has experience with bariatric patients. I am positive that there has to be a doctor in your area, if no one is experienced in bariatrics, then try an Internist. Do something now!
   — Robyn B.

August 1, 2001
What do you mean you can't find anyone who knows about her situation? There is probably an experienced bariatric surgeon nearby. Get her there immediately. Go on to find one in your area, call and tell them your mother needs to be seen THAT DAY. Your mother can tell them her history. She can also request that copies of her medical records be sent to the new doc. Don't dally on this. It sounds serious. Just because she is happy with the weight loss please don't let her lull you into a false sense of security that everything is "ok". Get her help. Good luck. You and your mother are in my prayers.
   — Kimberly L.

August 1, 2001
You need to get her to a gastroenterologist ASAP. If she is vomiting a yellowish fluid that means she has bile reflux, which can damage the interior stomach lining, esophageal sphincter as well as the muscles in the esophagus. I suggest you find out the exact type of surgery she had, (i.e. Billroth II loop bypass, Roux-en-y or some other configuration like the old jejunal intestinal bypass.) If she had a Mason loop or Billroth II, she needs to get it revised to an RNY yesterday, loop surgeries cause bile damage because of the configuration of the looped bowel bathing the stomach with bile. Please have her seen by a qualified gastroenterologist and then a bariatric surgeon. If her weight loss surgery is causing her problems she may need a revision. I hope that is not the case.
   — Diana M.

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