Those of you who have had an EGD what's it like?

I am scheduled for an EGD after putting it off for several months, due to the fear of having something put down my throat I was just wondering what it is like and can you feel anything and the day it's done would someone be needed to drive me home? Any info would be appreciated so that i can get over this fear. Thanks!    — Tammy N. (posted on March 31, 2004)

March 31, 2004
Tammy, I recently had an EGD done, and I was asleep for it. They will give you versed, and you will either be totally asleep or just not care one. You don't feel anything. It doesn't hurt, and yes you need someone to drive you home because you are being given a sleeping agent. I wish you well.
   — Rebecca W.

March 31, 2004
EGDs, I've had a bunch of them. They give you something to numb your throat and an IV sedation. Some say that they don't remember anything during the EGD sedation. I am usually sedated to the point of relaxation. It's real fast, just a couple of minutes. Nothing to worry about. You will have to have someone drive you home due to the sedation though. Don't worry. Take good care. Jackie
   — Jackie O.

March 31, 2004
Tammy... I have had it done as well. I remember being in there then having my throat sprayed with nasty tasting numbing stuff...thenthey said they will give me something to relax thing i know they were waking me telling me it was over...felt nothing at all! It is a very easy procedure to go through. I was scared as well but after I couldnt believe it was so simple. Yes you need someone to drive you home so they can sedate you. Good luck and try not to worry. **hugs**
   — ~Kim~ J.

March 31, 2004
I've had 5 and all but one have been horrible but that is not the norm.
   — jennifer A.

March 31, 2004
I've had more than a dozen, starting several years before surgery. The most unpleasant they have been is the needle stick. The first one was done in the doc office with just a needle, not an IV, but I was still ga-ga. In that case, though, I was quite large and awoke alone on that teensy lil exam table. I didn't think that was a good idea. But all subsequent ones have been in a hospital setting with staff flitting around. Sometimes I've been lucid for the walk to the car and other times I didn't wake up for several miles away!
   — vitalady

March 31, 2004
Tammy, I just had one done on problem at all! The doc told me he was gonna spray my throat, and the next thing I remember is waking up and asking if it is done! :) I have had several myself....and NEVER had any problems with them. Talk to your doc and let him know your concerns. Take care.
   — Julie M.

March 31, 2004
Don't worry about it. You don't feel a thing. They give you happy drugs and you are out before they put the scope down your throat. You'll remember the IV drug injection and then waking up in the recovery area. I am a chicken when it comes to any procedure and trust me, no need to worry here. Maggie
   — Maggie S.

March 31, 2004
Thank you all for your answers here. Although I am not the original poster, I am having one done tomorrow & really appreciate the info & support.
   — Suzanna M.

April 1, 2004
As the original poster, I thank you all for your responses, you gals are great! I feel better about doing this now, and if i can make it thru an open rny what do i have to fear over this small procedure compared to that lol! Thanks!
   — Tammy N.

April 3, 2004
Sore throat for 3 days after, woke up while the tubing was still down my throat. I think the doctor goofed on the amount of Versed. The nurse was great and talked me through the panic and gagging. All-in-all, it wasn't too bad and is over quickly.
   — carpediem

April 4, 2004
Hi Tammy......I just had one Monday (3rd one) and they aren't so bad. I drink a strong, thick liquid to numb my throat and then lay on my side to relax. Closing my eyes and concentrating on breathing makes it easier. The Dr put the mouthpiece in my mouth and then slides the tube down and only for a couple of seconds is it fearful. When you concentrate you can breath with it in there and only gag a few times. I understand this is fairly new but I'll take it any day than to be drugged. Plus I don't have to have someone with me to drive. I spend the rest of the day shopping!!! :) Hope all goes well with you. Dianne
   — Dianne M.

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