Can I still take antibiotices after surgery?

What happens if I need to take antibiotics after surgery? Can I still take them the same way a person with a normal stomach would?    — Christine L. (posted on February 6, 2002)

February 6, 2002
I had surgery (RNY) 9-19-01 and I had to have surgery on my breast on 11-10-01 for somthing unrelated. And I was told to take my antibiotics like normal. I did and it worked just fine.
   — nkoehler88

February 6, 2002
I've taken antibiotics several times since surgery without a problem.
   — Maria H.

February 6, 2002
Sure! I'm on some now.
   — Danmark

February 6, 2002
Erythromycin can destroy a regular tummy, as can tetracyline. We don't take these again in these parts. Pre-op, I was prone to ulcers & every use of erythromycin had me bent double!!!!!!
   — vitalady

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