Will I be ableto continue with all my current pain meds after surgery?

I am currently on oxycontin , Orphenadrine , Wellbutrin , amityptiline , oxycodone , vioxx. Yes my back is that bad.If I need to continue to take these will the stomach be able to handle it post op.I am hoping to gain alot of relief from this surgery. But I may have to still take these meds for a while. Thanks    — Heather B. (posted on April 12, 2002)

April 11, 2002
I am not sure what your doctor will want you to do--but I had surgery 4 months ago and the pain meds he sent me home with was oxycodone and I am taking vioxx for my knees now. I have not taken the other meds but my surgeon says if it doesn't have aspirin in it you can have it. But again check with your surgeon. Good luck. By the way, I am down 75 pounds and feeling better and better and not using as many meds as before.
   — Susan W.

April 12, 2002
Sorry to hear that you have to take so many meds for pain relief. I am 8 months post op RNY and down 130 lbs. I too, have a "bad back" as well as complications from Multiple Sclerosis. Pre-op I was taking Vicodin, Wellbutrin, Ultram and Duragesic patches. I am still on these meds without any problems. Occasionaly I get an upset stomach but I wouldn't say that is was from the meds. I don't think you will have any problems but if you do there are other options such as long acting narcotics that you take every 12 hours. The patches also work very well. I wish you luck.
   — Kelly H.

April 12, 2002
I know long termers who take the oxy's, Welbutrin & amitryptaline (though in far lower doses than pre-op). Before taking Vioxx in your new pouch, you might want to read the fine print that comes with your bottle. There have been incidents of pain (preferable) or gastric bleed, no pain, and near death (bleed) experience with Vioxx & Celebrex. I don't know the other one. The good news is that your need for these should decrease a bit as time goes on!
   — vitalady

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