Any personal trainers out there?

I have belonged to Curves for almost a year & now feel I am past thier workout, just doesn't make me sweat anymore. I am now going to add the treadmill to my routine ( 20 Minutes) My question is, should I do this before or after the 30 minute circuit? I want to get the max results. Thanks for any answers! Any input would be appriceated even if you aren't a    — Louise A. (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
I do the treadmill to warm my muscles up for exercise, and to give me a few minutes to 'get my head into it'. I took 3 trainer classes at Bally's (they had a special) and she told me that 15-20 minutes on the treadmill was just a good warm-up. When I want to get a sweat on, I head for the stairmaster!
   — Cara F.

January 17, 2003
You go girl!! Doesn't it feel great to be making actual PROGRESS with your fitness level!! I love it! My trainer says that you burn more calories and fat if you do your cardio after you weight train since your muscles are already stretched and heated up. Good luck!
   — mandajuice

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