The Club, Girls want to take me to Club last night b-4 surgery ??????

just wanted to know my girls-friends want to take me out for my last night Clubing i drink but not much will this be bad for me my date is Sept 24th and they want to take me out on Sept 20th for last night out (for awhile). So i want to know will this be bad on/for me or can i do it Please help dont want to do anything that will mess this up Thank alot christina    — christina B. (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 13, 2003
I would ask your surgeon. Every doctor is different. Mine didnt require you to stop eating/drinking until Midnight of the surgery; so IF I had gone out 4 days before it wouldnt have made any difference. Some doctors put their patients on strick liquid only diets the week before. IF your doctor doesnt have any restrictions; then going out 4 days before surgery will not hurt you.
   — star .

September 13, 2003
If you are not on any diet restrictions from your surgeon 4 days before surgery, go for it...but don't over do it. Good Luck MaryLyn
   — Kriola

September 13, 2003
Personally I would do it two weeks before surgery but that would be tonight! To put all those calories and carbs in your body that close to surgery is nuts in my opinion. You want to shrink your liver before surgery not make it worse than it already is. Cutting the carbs will do that. Many surgeons require special eating the week or two before surgery. Mine required protein and veggies only for two weeks, which resulted in losing 21 lbs and shrinking my liver making surgery easier. Think hard and long before doing this so close to surgery. Help your surgeon out by being the healthiest you can be!
   — zoedogcbr

September 13, 2003
My surgeon requires a 2 week liquid diet. He said he does this because most can't be trusted to eat low fat. Plus, you lose weight prior to surgery and that helps a little and your liver shrinks which helps the surgeon move it around easier. I agree with the other poster due it a couple of weeks before. Good Luck.
   — jennie_jen

September 13, 2003
Like the other posters said, it all comes down to what your surgeon says. Mine put no restrictions until 2 days prior to surgery, which had to be clear liquids for 48 hours. My date came earlier than expected (I didn't know it until the week before) and we had already planned a mini end-of-summer vacation with my family. It wasn't really intentional, but I had 4 days of "last suppers". My guys took me to all my favorite restaurants, and saved my most favorite for the night before we planned to come home (which was the day I had to begin the liquid fast and laxatives). I did have a wonderful four days, but I can tell ya, it didn't matter what I had eaten once the laxatives took effect. It took care of all the steak, chicken, pasta, ice cream, and also the Krispy Kreme doughnuts (which was my FINAL food.)DOn't meant to gross you out, but in the end it didn't matter. Especially since I didn't gain a pound the whole four days (Explain that one???!!!!!)
   — Denise B.

September 13, 2003
ask ur surgeon if thats ok and if so go out and have a blast!!
   — Deanna Wise

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