After wls why blood transfussion?

I have been out for 2 1/2 years. I was 322lbs and now I am down to 147 lbs. I have been feeling real 22222 and now they say I may need a blood transfussion due to the wls. Needless to say I am scared. I was not told this could happen. The my doctor Primary, said that this happens with wls people. My red blood cells are out of wack. They said that this will need a transfussion. Please could I have some feed back.    — Janet P. (posted on September 23, 2003)

September 23, 2003
Have you been checking your labs for platelet counts, anemia, iron, etc ? I would think you would have to have severe anemia or some other deficiency to require a blood transfusion. I am also 2 1/2 years post-op and my bloodwork shows no such deficiency. Have you been taking iron?
   — LLinderman

September 23, 2003
Didn't happen to me (I'm 15 months post-op), but it did happen to my cousin. She's 3 - 4 years post-op. She is a nurse and one of the dr's she works with noticed that her gums were bone white. He sent her to the emergency room and she was severely anemic. They admitted her and kept her for a few days. Did scopes on both ends looking for an ulcer or something, but didn't find anything. She ended up having at least two transfusions. I found out later that she had only been taking two Flintstones a day. No extra iron or calcium. Her dr. put her on a prescription iron supplement and I believe a better multi. It took awhile for her to feel better, more energetic, but she is ok now. It is very important to keep up with your supplements and blood work. It is way easier to prevent a deficiency than to recover from one.
   — Ali M

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