Average Weekly Weight Loss?

I am curious if I am within "average" ranges of weekly weight loss. I am 5'4" and weighed 330 lbs pre-op. I am 14 weeks post-op and have lost 66 pounds. Over the past several weeks I have been consistently losing about 3 lbs per week. After looking at others profiles it seems I am a "slow loser" because I was reading several where the loss was 5 pounds per, that's excellent. I am just curious to hear from others with similar stats to see how they were/are doing on the weekly weight loss.    — Kamy (posted on November 21, 2003)

November 21, 2003
Hi Kamy, I didn't lose weight most weeks during the fastest part of my weight loss. I'd go like 3 weeks on the longest plateau possible, and then drop 15 pounds in 1 week. It was totally trippy. I lost about 65 lbs by the 2nd month, and 80 by the 3rd - but I started at 365, and it seems those of us who are heavier loose a little faster. The best thing I can tell you is to try not to stress, do what you're supposed to do, and enjoy the ride! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 21, 2003
Average weekly weight loss is 1.75-3.5 per week Anything higher or lower than that is above or below average. But all people will have weeks where the lose nothing or 5, 10 pounds even. I believe 41 pounds is low average for 14 weeks, if I did my math correctly. You can't go by what people write on here as average. The people doing well are going to report it. The people doing average or not as well as they'd like aren't. It is not a good way to judge what is average. You are losing on the high average side it would seem to me.
   — mrsmyranow

November 21, 2003
Kamy, I'm glad you asked this question. I am 5'2'' and started at 257.8 pounds. I am now 15 weeks out and have lost 61.5 pounds. You sound like your doing well. Keep up the good work.
   — Stephanie G.

November 21, 2003
Hi Kamy, I am 14 weeks out, too, and I have only lost 40 pounds, 26 of them in the first 3 weeks, so I have only been losing like a pound a week! I eat about 800 cal. per day. I know most people lose more than this, and I am very discouraged. You are doing GREAT! I would be happy to be in your shoes! I guess we just can't compare ourselves to others, and just celebrate what is happening in our own bodies. Most say 2-3 pounds per week is "normal." Good luck, and hang in there! Cindy
   — cbuchanan

November 23, 2003
Kamy...I had my surgery on Aug. 6, 2003. I am 5'5" and weighed 359 lbs., per-op To date I have also lost 66 lbs. Last week I lost 2 lbs. and I thought that was horrible. I usually loose 3-5 lbs. a week. I know how you are feeling about being a "slow loser". I feel the same way. It is hard to read about people who have lost 90 lbs. by the time they are 4 months post-op. I just have to sit here and tell myself that each and everyone of us are different. If you ever need someone to talk to who is at about the same point you are, please feel free to email me. You are doing great with your weight loss so far! Keep up the good work! Maria~San Antonio, TX
   — Maria S

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