
Well I go for my psych evaluation on Jan.29 & I'm sooooooo scared. Can anybody please tell me what I can expect? My surgeon said I'm a good cadidate for wls, but is it the psychiatrist who makes the final decision. Thank you!    — socco58 (posted on January 23, 2001)

January 24, 2001
Susan, from what I've been reading, some doctors require a more extensive psych evaluation than others. Mine was a cakewalk. Mostly, they want to know if your expectations for the surgery are realistic. They also want to make sure there are no major psychological problems that would keep you from following the post-op regimen. The psych evaluation isn't meant to be a comprehensive psychological exam, just a quick check of your overall state of mind. They will probably ask about your relationship with food, past weight loss attempts, what you expect to get from this surgery, if you have any moral support for your decision, etc. I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me. Maria
   — Maria H.

January 24, 2001
Unless your a psychopathic killer...I don't think you have anything to worry about. My evaluation was very simple. I spent about 15 mins talking with the Dr. she asked me about my childhood and if anything tramatic had ever happened to me. She also asked if I knew why it was I overeat...I said, if I and every other fat person knew that...We wouldn't need the surgery and she wouldn't have a practice!!! :) Don't worry! And don't over anylize the questions, just be yourself!!
   — DolcezzaVT

January 24, 2001
I just returned from my psych evaluation and was approved. Mostly, my psychiatrist wanted to make sure that I was NOT depressed, didn't have obsessive compulsions, and knew what I was doing in regards to the surgery and the outcome. Just be yourself and relax...Carolyn Gilliland
   — Carolyn G.

January 24, 2001
My Psych. evaluation lasted 35 minutes. They are mainly making sure that you are mentally stable enough to handle this surgery and the new lifestyle. Just be honest and you will be fine.
   — Jenifer S.

January 24, 2001
I just went for my pysch exam too, and i was scared also but a couple of minutes into it it was fine. However i KNEW it went really ok when the CSW told me she just had her surgery in nov of 2000!!!!!!!!!Then i saw her a support group meeting .. go figure
   — L. A.

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