O.k This may seem weird...I am scheduled for surgery in less than a month.

ANd for the past few weeks, the big toe on my right foot, is so sore..its like in between the side of the nail and bleeds and I cant get it to heal up..I am so paranoid this will somehow affect my surgery, also my foot has been so sore lately..anyonw know what this may be?    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 26, 2001)

May 26, 2001
it sound like an ingrown toenail to me. i would ask your PCP and i know there is something over the counter called outgrow that will help it...if thats what it is.
   — Kathy831

May 26, 2001
I don't know what's wrong with your toe, but I had a similar problem shortly before my surgery. I had had a partial toenail removal about 6 weeks before my RNY, and my toe just wouldn't heal - it kept oozing. It was made clear to me by my RNY surgeon's office that it is NOT a good thing to go into this kind (or probably any kind) of surgery with an existing "open wound". I had to follow up with them shortly before my RNY so they could be sure that my toe had healed. I suggest that you see your doctor and get this taken care of; you don't want it to interfere with your surgery date! Good luck.
   — Leah B.

May 26, 2001
I suffered from this problem as a teenager. It's probably an ingrown toenail--really sore, infected, etc. Try soaking it in Betadine solution and warm water. If you go to your PCP, he can do a partial removal of that side of the toenail. It should heal in about a week. Better to clear it up now than later because you'll definitely need to walk after surgery and walking is painful with an infected toe. Good luck!
   — PT LawMom

May 26, 2001
I have a friend that has that problem flare up from time to time and his is called Gout.
   — Nancy Z.

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