what Is GOUT? What causes it?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on May 27, 2001)

May 27, 2001
It has something to do with urecic (not spelled right) acid. I got gout in my right big toe a few years ago and it is not pleasent at all. Now I've got it in the other one as well. I've been on some really strong stomach wrecking pain medicines for it and quit them. For some reason if I spray my toes with WD-40 before I go to bed and cover them up, it goes away for awhile. My doctor says I'm crazy, but as long as the pain goes away and I don't need to take medicine for it, I'm happy. Let him think I'm crazy. He can't do anything to help me. ;) Anyway, I'm not sure why the body puts out the acid that causes gout but you may wish to see your doctor, or try what I use. Good luck.
   — Danmark

May 27, 2001
Hi, here's a definition of gout from Gout is a systemic disease caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints of the body, causing inflammation, swelling and pain. This condition may develop for two reasons. The liver may produce more uric acid than the body can excrete in the urine, or the liver makes a normal amount of uric acid, but the patient's dietary intake of rich foods - red meat, cream sauces, red wine and brandy - puts more uric acid into the bloodstream than the kidneys can filter. In both cases a condition called hyperuricemia results. Over time, the uric acid begins to crystallize and settle in the joint spaces, most commonly the first metatarsal phalangeal joint of the big toe or the ankle joint. I hear it's terribly painful, but medications can clear it up pretty quickly. Daniel, you made me laugh about the WD-40, but whatever works, I say go for it! Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 27, 2001
Gout is also a form of rheumatoid arthritis (probably why it affects the joints). If you tend to have a high uric acid level in your system you can take a preventive medicine called allopurine (sp?) on a daily basis to prevent flare ups. I take colchicine only when I have a flare up. They are tiny little pills about the size of a large pin head. The instructions tell you to take one every six hours or until nausea occurs - which just cracks me up! I guess they think you can either hurt or hurl? LOL! I usually only have to take them for 2-3 days and the episode goes away, but man, it sure does hurt! Good luck on getting some relief.
   — gina P.

May 27, 2001
I had an episode of gout in the underside of my right big toe following WLS. It was awful!!! No weight could be put on that area until it cleared up. I think the rapid weight loss and diet contributed to it. I haven't had another flare since though, thankfully.
   — Cindy H.

May 30, 2001
Gout is not limited to the toe as an example I tend to get it the most in my knees but sometimes I get it in the top of my foot it tends to move around some. The pain is caused by the blood crystals rubbing together and causing a friction effect.
   — Mike H.

July 21, 2001
gout is a form of arthritis, where you have too much uric acid. you will need to avoid alcohol and high fatty foods to prevent flareups. you can take a drug for it, but you still need to avoid certain foods that will set it off. good luck to you, keep us informed!!
   — sara C.

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