I was long do you have to wait before your

body is strong enough for a pregnancy..i have heard two years and i have also heard that its not a wise thing to do after having wls no matter how long you wait. I have a 8 year old daughter and in time I would love to have another will it be too dangerous?    — tylerswife (posted on September 5, 2001)

September 5, 2001
Ive heard a year. My surgeon recommended 2. At my consult, we agreed on 18 months. Pregnancy is not unhealthy post op. As a matter of fact, many obese women with fertility issues became pregnant post op and carried successfully! Good luck to you.
   — Jeannet

September 6, 2001
Lots of people have surgery and later become pregnant. Two Yahoo! groups might be interesting to you... one is about pregnancy with 383 members, and one is about breastfeeding right around and after WLS... with 16 members, but only 6 weeks old. :-) Please check these groups out; you will find a wealth of wisdom contained there!
   — Julia M.

September 6, 2001
1 year, darlin. And you can still have a perfectly normal pregnancy and a perfectly healthy baby. Good luck!! : )
   — Heather W.

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