Has anyone 330 plus had lap rny.. if so please tell me and how did it turn out?

I really need to know cause i am really want to get lap rny but i am fearing i am to big    — Tabitha K. (posted on October 14, 2001)

October 14, 2001
I had a successful lap at the weight of 324. My doc wouldn't guarantee it though because my bmi was 52 (and he says they're usually successful when they're at 50). A month before surgery I went on Atkins and lost 6 pounds. But I think I gained back a couple but I didn't weigh before surgery. So I'd say I was around 320. I'd say success depends on how and where you carry your weight. If you have a pretty big stomach it might be harder (but not impossible). Have you asked your doc how many laps he/she's done on 330+? That would be a good question. I would've had this whether or not I could've had it lap. But I prefered lap due to my lack of a lot of sick time. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

October 14, 2001
Hi Tabitha! I had my LAP RNY on July 18th, and I was at 340 pounds. I'm doing great, feeling great, and am so happy that I don't have a great big old scar down my middle. I just wanted to let you know, that it has gone great, and I don't regret it at all. Good luck, just check with your doc, and make sure he's done enough of them on people with higer BMIs. Good luck, and just remember, that there are no guarantees, that when you go in for a LAP, it can always turn into an open!
   — jewlsyng30

October 14, 2001
Hi I had RNY LAP 7-30-01 and when weighed in at the hospital I weighed 341, I'm 5'4 and no complications. Everything went well. Many people state that if your weight is over a certain amount or you have a high BMI that you can't have LAP. That isn't true. I think a lot of it has to do with where you carry your weight, and your surgeons skill. I carry a lot of my weight in my hips, thighs and butt UGH!! LOL. Hope this helps! Best wishes to you!
   — Carey N.

October 14, 2001
I had LAP RnY, I was 409 on day of surgery, July 12th, 2001. I didnt have any problems during surgery at all. I am sure it was tough on the surgeon but I did fine. I am now 317 as of today!!!! Best wishes
   — Kathy H.

October 14, 2001
If you have the chance to do your surgery LAP...DO thing I ever did was have my RNY LAP.(Surgery 1/16/01 down 100 lbs started at 336)
   — Debora H.

October 14, 2001
Tabitha, add me to the list. My surgeon explained that over a certain weight, he just uses longer instruments in order to perform the procedure laproscopically. The surgery turned out great as I'm down some 90 lbs now in a little over 3 months.
   — CaseyinLA

October 15, 2001
I had lap RNY with Dr. Duncan in Atlanta at 370 pounds. I am fine. 11 weeks later and I have lost 76 pounds. I have three little marks the size of an eraser head and I feel great!
   — Courtney W.

October 15, 2001
My daughter (406 lbs.), husband (350 lbs.), and I (325 lbs) all had completely successful, uncomplicated RNYs...60-70 minute surgeries, 2 day hospitalizations, no ICU, no tubes, no drains, no problems. Finding a skilled laparascopic surgeon is the key. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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