4 mo post op- when do you start to see yourself as thinner??

I am 4 months post op. Start weight of 257 and now at 188. I feel great most days and am thrilled to have lost almost 70#, but other days, I look in the mirror and think I still look like I did at 257. When will I start to see myself as I really am??    — rhonda A. (posted on October 21, 2001)

October 20, 2001
Your normal. I am down 80 pounds in three months and really dont see the difference either. This is a very common comment.
   — bob-haller

October 21, 2001
Hey Rhonda - I am at 16 months post-op, down 104 lbs., and when I look in the mirror, or down at my body, I still see me at 250 lbs. I can see the difference in photos, but not in real life! I pick up my own clothes and think "Yikes, these are way too small for me" - but they never are. It's kind of a kick now at this point. -Kate-
   — kateseidel

October 21, 2001
I'm 7 months post-op and minus 94lbs and it has taken me this long for my "mind" to catch up with my body. I'm really looking forward to the day when I feel as thin as I'm starting to look. Just give yourself some time and enjoy this amazing process. Good luck!
   — Sami G.

October 21, 2001
Remember all those skinny broads who would whine to you, "Do I look fat in this?" and you just wanted to slap them silly? I seem to have become one myself, although I try <i>very</i> hard not to actually ask that question out loud. I wear a size 8-10 and still think I'm fat. This is because of my 30 years, I've spent 25 of them self-identifying as "fat." It's a hard habit to break. And yes, when I look in the mirror, I see a fat broad, just like I did when I was staring 300 pounds in the face (I'm 155 now). Even when I see pictures of myself, I see a fat person--but that only works when I <i>know</i> I'm about to look at a picture of me. If I don't know I'm going to see myself, my first impression is usually, "Who is that?" And then I remember that I look normal now. <p>I guess the purpose of this little story is just to tell you that you're not alone, and that body dysmorphic syndrome is really common among those of us who lose dramatic amounts of weight in a short period of time. I understand that this is temporary, and that eventually, you will start to see yourself as others see you. Hope so, anyway!
   — Suzanne B.

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