Has anyone used this abenergizer to help tone along with walking & things?

I am 12 weeks post-op & was wondering if using this with walking & all would help or hurt to try to tone up muscles? I have low energy & need help getting motivated.. I had lots of energy after surgury until about the 6 week. Dr. said blood work & all was fine.. Potisum was a hair low is all. Also on flinestone chewables & it seem to not be giving me enough if I am tired.. Take those & B-12 shots & tums for calium.. help if you can.. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 2, 2002)

January 2, 2002
Hi there!! I JUST watched something on this on Good Morning America this past week. They showed it made NO DIFFERENCE at all. That it tenses the muscles, but with little or no affect. It was an incredible segment. You might want to check out their website to get more information. Good Luck!! Valetta :)
   — Valetta T.

January 2, 2002
I saw a television report that those things can cause burns to the skin and they don't work. I would be careful. Neci
   — Nynese W.

January 2, 2002
Well my husband just had to have it so I purchased my husband one for Christmas, and i returned it the next day, the way the tv made it look was that it was making your stomach tighten, and he said it was a bunch of......well you feel in the blanks.
   — Tina B.

January 2, 2002
I just wanted to add that they are saying that this product is useless(the abenergizer). I just ordered the ABDOER which combines cardio with ab strengthening and it is great. You sit on it(it's like a chair with moving handles and a moving midsection) and move it around here there and everywhere. It also has a back massager component and the best part is that you can sit in front of the TV while you do it so that you don't need much motivation. I got it online at, but just saw it advertised even cheaper on HSN, and it came with three videos instead of the one video that mine came with. It was 89.95 online, and 89.10 on special on HSN.Whatever you do, don't buy it from the infommercial as they wanted 39.95 for shipping and handling! It might work for you to start out, think about giving it a try! Good luck.
   — Vicki K.

January 12, 2002
Okay...I have a different view than everyone else. Hubby and I bought one. I love it. I can feel the effects but cant see much difference yet because it is still under so much fat. My husband uses it too and his stomach is MUCH harder than before. I used it on my hips and let me tell you...YOU CAN FEEL THE TIGHTENING AND SEE IT>
   — barbpatter

September 20, 2002
The AbEnergizer and many like it are being sued by the FTC (Federal Trade Commision) for misleading ads.
   — J. W.

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