What kind of medication we are not allow to take after surgery?

Just wondering if anyone have a list of the medication that we don't suppose to take.    — Ana H. W. (posted on February 3, 2002)

February 3, 2002
That list if, of course, up to your doctor. Known stomach irritants are: aspirin, iboprofen, erythromycin, tetracycline, and all NSAIDS. That's NonSteroidal AntiInflammatory DrugS. That would be Aleve, Excedrin, Naprosyn, and includes Vioxx & Celebrex, even though they are reputed to be safe. Any of these can cause gastric bleed (which is usually painless) or pain or ulcer. Other things that might not work right are things delivered in oil (RNY, BPD malabsorb fats/oils) and timed release products.
   — vitalady

February 3, 2002
AVOID THESE DRUGS....... Advil............. Aleve............ Amigesic............ Anacin............ Anaprox................. Ansald................ Anthra-G.............. Arthropan............. Ascriptin.............. Aspirin................ Asproject............... Azolid............... Bufferin............ Butazolidin........... Clinorial................ Darvon compounds................. Disalcid................. Dolobid............... Equagesic................ Feldene.............. Florinal.............. Ibuprofin.............. Indocin............... Ketoprofen.............. Lodine................ Meclomen............... Midol.............. Mortin................. Nalfon............... Naprosyn............. Nayer............... Orudis................ Oruval.............. Pamprin-IB............... Percodan.............. Ponstel................... Rexolate.............. Tandearil................ Tolecin............. Uracel............ Voltaren............ DRUGS THAT ARE SAFE..........(ACORDING TO MY SURGEON)......Bendaryl...................Tylenol ..............Dimetap.............. Robitussin.......... Safetussin............ Sudafed.......... Triaminics (All)......... Tylenol (cold products)....... Tylenol Ex Strength.......... Gas-X .......... Phazyme........... Imodium Ad.......... Colace....... Dulcolax-Suppositories......... Fleet Enema.......... Glycerin-Suppositories.......... Milk of Magnesia......... Peri-Colace...........
   — Phiddy B.

February 3, 2002
Just had a bad experience with Cipro. Caught a Urinary Tract Infection and asked for liquid cipro. Nurse practitioner..... said the huge Lovelace Pharmacy did not have it and she couldn't find it at 10 Walgreens here in ABQ. ????? She gave me 500 mg of Cipro and the pill didn't look too big so I took them. Inflamed my pouch so much I was nauseaus and vomited for 3 weeks. My fault too that I didn't crush them. Finally, appt. with surgeon told me what was wrong. The Cipro had inflammed the pouch so much so I had to go back on liquids. From now on he said no pills of any kind without being crushed and no erythromiacin (sp) without being liquid. Very dangerous to the pouch. He said only 250 mg of Cipro suspension ever again. It has been awful not being able to eat hardly anthing for 3 weeks. Finally getting back in shape yesterday. That happened Jan 10,2002. Today is 2/4,2002. I learned my lesson. Had open rny Dec 14, 2001.
   — Kathryn K.

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